The Most Popular Types of Halwa in Urmia

Halwa is one of the best souvenirs of Urmia and one of the first choices for those tourists who come to visit this city.

Types of Urmia Halwa:

Walnut Halwa

It is one of the most delicious Halwa types made with grape juice and Indian walnuts, sugar, cinnamon, and other spices. Since it is full of walnuts, it possesses several beneficial features. Walnut is really beneficial for the human body.

The best quality ingredients are used to make this kind of Halwa. Due to its delicious taste, this kind of Halwa is very popular among people and it is used in most of the parties and ceremonies.

Carrot Halwa

This is another type of popular Halwa and it is one of the best heritages of Urmia city. Fresh and high-quality carrots are being used to make this Halwa. It really has a unique taste.

This tasty Halwa is made in a different way in comparison to the other kinds of Halwa and it is very beneficial, too. The fresh and tasty walnut used in this type of Halwa gives a unique taste to it since it is mixed with the carrot's taste. This Halwa is one of the must-be-tasted foods.

Doshaw Halwa

One of the grapes products is Doshaw. It is a thick kind of grape juice. Doshaw is a very beneficial kind of food made naturally without any chemical ingredients so it is very healthy for our body health and it can be consumed for medical purposes as well. Grape juice possesses A, B, and C vitamins and Iron, Magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and calcium minerals which are very useful for enhancing the body's immune system. Since it possesses a lot of antioxidants, it helps increase the white blood cells in the blood, and thus the body immunity will enhance as well, preventing sicknesses. Fresh grape juice is used to make this type of Halwa. You should be assured that it is worth trying at least once.

Pistachio Halwa

Pistachio is one of the most popular nuts. Naturally, this kind of Halwa is very popular because it is made with pistachio. What do you know about pistachio benefits? This delicious food possesses a very significant feature. Not only it makes the brain stronger, it also decreases vein inflammations, helps the stomach stronger, it is very useful for treating diarrhea and it can stop coughing.

Saffron Halwa

The most popular Halwa in Urmia is Saffron Halwa. People of this city used this kind of Halwa in most of their parties and ceremonies. Saffron is originally from Greece, but nowadays this flower is cultivated in Iran mostly. Undoubtedly, Spain, France, Italy, and some parts of India cultivate it, too. Saffron spice is one of the most expensive kinds of spices in the world.  

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