Women Jewelry in Mukriyan - Part 6

Leila Nourani


It is a sphere like ball made of gold or silver, there are big sizes and small sizes with various shapes being carved on it. They can be used for different purposes in jewelry.

Isiwati Go

It is a kind of gold or silver sphere in medium size to be used in some particular kinds of earing called Goband and Gobarok.


It is a kind of jewelry with a rather wide platform on which there are little balls or chains of coins. It is used to be sewn to the Kawa (a vest like clothes). In the past, they used to sew it to the dresses collar (Kurdish dress) and they would sew some coins on those parts that had cleavage and they called it Dirawbarok.

Dirawi Barokeh

It is a common coin with a little ring to make it easier to be sewn to Taskilaw, Kawa, Sukhma, and Barok. Sometimes they would make a little hole in the coins to sew them to their Sukhma or Kawa or they would make a string of the coins and sew the string to their clothes.


It was a kind of brooch; it looks like Qatarah (a gold or silver chain with some decorations). The main part contains little round parts (Qubbah) and there are little hanging decorations at the bottom part. There are two pins on each end of the chain and it can be pinned to Dasmal (a shawl like piece of clothing to cover the chest and shoulders). This was the old version of Sardasmal (a small chain to decorate Dasmal).

Darzibaroki Qubbah

It is a kind of Darzibarok that has some round decorations as well as flower shaped parts on its chain. There are pins on each end of the chain to keep it in place on the chest.

Go Badami/ Go Kawchki

It is a kind of gold or silver spheres-like jewelry that is attached to almond or kawchk (spoon) like parts. The large size was used as Gobarok and the smaller sizes were used as Goband. Sometimes they were used as Qatarah or binding.


This piece of jewelry was popular before Lira Barok. The main part looks like Qatarah or any kind of chain. There were small gold coins and little hanged parts in the shape of almonds or little balls (Isiwati) being attached to it. These balls were large or small, gold or silver. When it was sewn to the Kawa or Sukhma they used to put a larger oval shaped part called Qash in the middle of it. This was sewn to the parts of Kawa that started from the neckline to the bottom parts of it.

Bapilk Gobarok

It is a kind of thin and delicate chain containing little balls and red and blue Shilan (a kind of sequin) in the middle of it. There are also flat almond shaped decorations attached to it. The almond shaped decorations are attached to other little parts called pilk. They were mostly made of gold or Warsaw.


It is a kind of necklace made of little or large baubles of gold or silver. It is made with gems mixed with gold or silver. It could be as long to stay on the chest. A kind of this necklace is only made of gold or silver balls in the shape of a chain.

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