Shivan Parwar, a Kurdish Artist, has Released a New Album on "Lausanne Treaty"

The lyrics and compositions of the song were composed by "Shivan Parwar", the music was produced by Hakan Akai, and the photo and video clip were prepared by Rohlat Ebsh. In the video, the importance of the Lausanne Treaty is highlighted and the pain and suffering of the Kurdish people is shown through words and images.

Kurdshop - The famous Kurdish artist, Shivan Parwar has released a new work on the 100th commemoration of the Lausanne Treaty as an attitude against the agreement.

On the occasion of the 100th commemoration of the Lausanne Treaty by which Kurdistan was divided and after this agreement the policy of extermination, assimilation, and genocide against Kurdish people was carried out and the Kurdish people were deprived of all their basic rights and suffered oppression, a new work by the Kurdish artist, Shivan Parwar was published as an artistic stance against the oppression that has been going on for centuries.

The lyrics and compositions of the song were composed by "Shivan Parwar", the music was produced by Hakan Akai, and the photo and video clip were prepared by Rohlat Ebsh. In the video, the importance of the Lausanne Treaty is highlighted and the pain and suffering of the Kurdish people is shown through words and images.

In the Lausanne Treaty that divided Kurdistan, a great oppression was done against the Kurdish people, and in the history of any nation, a unilateral agreement such as that of 14 states to come together and decide the fate of a nation has not been seen. After this agreement, all kinds of oppression were done by the invaders of Kurds and Kurdistan while all the world watched and ignored it and even many countries justified this oppression against Kurdistan. As much as the invaders committed crimes against the Kurds, the world is complicit in these crimes by ignoring them.

After this agreement, the oppressive forces of Kurdistan executed, assassinated, and arrested the leaders of this nation. All kinds of torture, beating, genocide, and ignoring or assimilation policies were carried out against the Kurdish people but even to this day, no action against this brutality is shown.

Undoubtedly, we can say that the Kurds in the last century also had many shortcomings, they could not build unity or organize themselves and overcome their internal problems. They also could not overcome the current division with a national policy. But whatever has happened, all the flaws and shortcomings of the Kurds will not justify such an agreement and no justification for the crimes committed against the Kurdish people will be accepted. This agreement will be a disgrace to all humanity throughout history.

It can be said that this new work of the famous Kurdish artist, Shivan Parwar, in its time is an important attitude of being a Kurd and a nationalist and patriotism against the Lausanne Treaty and the oppressions that the invaders of Kurdistan have done to Kurds for hundreds of years.


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