Analyzing the Content of the First Issue of Nishtman Magazine, a Description of JK Society - Part 2

Dr. Azad Mukri

Read the first part of this article here

The fourth article of Nishtman Magazine is about a topic titled "Success has nothing to do with the numbers". This article was written by a writer called "Bijan" who is an interpretation of one of the Quran verses, however, it has mentioned a heavenly phenomenon for an earthly purpose. That is, secularizing is a sacred phenomenon. The verse says: many small groups in number have concurred numerous groups. The majority cannot always dominate the minority; sometimes, following a plan, the true fundamentals, and seeking truth, and humanity can make a small community concur with a large society, or a minority can succeed over a majority. The writer emphasizes that we are that minority who want to conquer our enemies who are numerous groups, so that we could protect ourselves via understanding and believing in humanity.

Another article in this issue is titled "The Kurds and the League of Nations". This article is about the post war period after the wars of 1914 to 1918 when "Sharif Pasha" was invited to preserve the Kurds' rights and had taken part in Siver Treaty. The article is about the commissions that had been established to find a solution for Kurds' issues. It also mentions the Siver Treaty paragraphs and how Kurds' rights had been mentioned in one of the most important international treaties. However, later, the superpowers retreated this treaty under the pressure of the regional powers. That is, as they had said, they had told their audience about the "Independence Document of Kurdistan". The writers of Nishtman Magazine aimed to tell their readers that the Kurdish rightful interest had been seized and the contemporary life situation of the Kurdish nation is suffering they have to endure. This article also tries to clarify how in an international treaty of "the League of the Nations", the Kurds' rights had been identified but later the superpowers changed their mind and the regional powers pressured them to stop Kurds from gaining their rightful interest.

The last topic of this issue of Nishtman Magazine which is related to Kurds is an article titled "Kurdistan is Kurds' Home" written by "A. Sassan". This article was about the ancient history. It discusses the mountains of Kurdistan from 2700 years ago which had been Kurds' home from very ancient times. This land is Kurds' land. The original culture of this country belongs to Kurds and it has presented its points according to orientalists' research. This article points out the historical resources written by orientalists. This magazine's writers' goal was to prove that this geography which has been divided into four parts among four countries, had once been a whole country named Kurdistan. Kurds had inhabited it forever.

Among all these articles that have been mentioned, only two of them are not related to the Kurdish nation. One of them is an article called "Germany's Attack on Russia" by "M. Farrokh". And the other article is about the World War. Obviously, as a general information, piece of news and review, this article talks about Germany and Russia's war. There is also an article called "How to Smoke a Cigarette", which is about the harmful effects of smoking. In addition to these two topics, the rest of the articles are related to informing and enlightening the Kurds' minds. They are all about knowing ourselves and our others, giving up superstitions, opposing the tribes' chiefs and lords, and gaining new political understandings.

Another part of the first issue of Nishtman Magazine is the literary section. It consists of some poems. One of these poems is written by "M. M. Houshang", the sixteenth member of JK society. This is a national poem. It can be classified among those groups of poems that are written to help people know themselves and their surrounding world. Every nation's literature includes such forms of literary texts that are known as enlightening texts for informing the people. In such writings, the poem has a task, a political, social, and philosophical task. Such poems oppose the malfunctioned insights and they also are against the malfunctions of a social system. Thus, the poem becomes a tool to enlighten every individual in society in order to help them resist misleading notions and lies. Another poem that is included in the literary section of this magazine is an important poem but its poet's name is not written. In the magazine, they said that they could not find the poet's name. however, this poem belongs to "Mullah Marif Kokayi". It is one of the most important enlightening poems of the twentieth century in the Kurdish language. This poem starts with:

"Hey miserable, poor and unable nation

Without any science and knowledge like an elementary school student"

   Some of the most important verses of this poem are:

Suffering, agony, and pain are our share

While our enemies enjoy blessings and a sweet life

Find a solution for the future while you still have time

How long would you remain other's slaves?

Since this poem has an enlightening content identifying the problems, it is one of the important poems. This poem shows the cultural and enlightening duty of the poet. In addition to the aesthetic plot of the poem, the writer has accepted his cultural and enlightening task. The audience of this poem is the whole nation. Thus, the poet tells them; that as long as they keep on making the same mistakes which are being inactive, poor, and uneducated without any knowledge, they will remain regressed. This poem talks about the fact that if superstition and illiteracy grow in a nation, they will not be able to reach their goals. A successful nation needs to be brave and knowledgeable. Such a nation needs to give up diversity and get united. "Act and Uprise" in this new era. It mentions the civil activities in a verse:

Act and uprise, now it is  time to do something

It is only our fate that our spring has turned into winter

That is, it talks about the importance of change, a change in the intellectual and social system which can be gained via "technology, art, science and industry".

Look at the knowledge lightened by art

It has turned the dark night into a light day

The poet also illustrates the great Kurdistan's map in his poem. He presents a geography for encountering. This geography begins from the northern part of Kurdistan to the southern part of Kurdistan. From Akre, Amedi, Lorestan, Bawandi, and Sanjabiyeh to the southern part of Kurdistan. As he says; the scattered Kurds from all parts of Kurdistan must act, uprise, gain industry, science, technology, art, and all the modern phenomena that have been developed after the enlightening era. It is the light of art and knowledge that can turn a dark night of life and thought into a bright day. In addition to these, there are only two poems that are not related to Kurds' issues. A poem that is a translation of Mawlawi Kurd's poem that has been translated from Hawrami to Sorani by Piramerd. There is a short poem and article about Wafaei, too.

All the articles that have been mentioned were included in Nishtam Magazine's first issue published by "JK Society". As it is clear, more than 95% of this magazine's topics are related in an organic and meaningful way. These articles are all from one source subject; such a strong bond and connection cannot be seen in nowadays Kurdish magazines. Nowadays Kurdish magazines have turned into a pouch that every kind of thing can be found in them. Eighty years ago, Nishtman Magazine had a special discourse and all the writers of this magazine were writing about the same topics and concepts.

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