Hossein Mohammad Ali's Biography and "Land of Water and the Storks"

Aras Hasso

Every city with its properties, its prospects, its climate, and its role model people can remain in a child's memory. Let us talk about the life, occupation, revolution, and memoir of the master "Hussein Mohammad Ali". Hundreds of teachers and students have been educated under his supervision. He is also known as the first teacher in Kobani.

Hussein Mohammad Ali was born in 1950 in "Shahinke" village near Kobani city. He was from the "Miran" clan. He had two brothers and one sister; Bozan, Micho, and Maqboula. Like any other Kurdish individual, he was born and raised in a patriotic family. He grew up during the World War II. He grew up with Armenian children in their neighborhood. He was from a family who were always occupied with thinking and politics. He was also a member of the "communist party".

He began his elementary school in 1956. The school that was built in 1949 is still called "Sh. Azad". He continued his high school education in "Sh. Tigris and Euphrates" school. When he finished his middle school education in Kobani, he was forced to go to Halab despite his family's poverty to continue his high school education. In 1968- 1969 he went to Halab and finished his tenth grade in "Kawakebi" high school. He continued his education there until he finished his Baccalaureus and then he finished his education in 1970.

Hussein Mohammad Ali liked studying very much and he always tried to educate himself. Since Halab was a big city with all kinds of cultures, people could develop and grow in this city thus, it was a great experience for him. Someone like Hussein who was from a Kurdish region and a villager needed time to adapt himself to life in a big city like Halab.

After finishing his primary school, he went to university and studied Arabic Literature in the Arabic Faculty. Two teachers influenced him greatly when he was a child. One of them was "Abdul Qader Hafez", his 7 and 8 grade teacher and the other was "Mohammad Hamoyi". These teachers encouraged him to choose Arabic Literature and try his best to succeed in this field. These teachers taught their classes very well and had a great influence on their students.

He graduated from university in 1975. He was occupied in teaching Arabic from 1975 to 2010 for 25 years. He likes being a teacher and it has helped him form his personality. He became one of the best and most creative teachers in Arabic Literature. Very few Kurdish teachers from Kobani are employed by the Syrian government. Arabic teachers were brought to Kobani from faraway cities to teach in this city's schools. However, Hussein, a Kobani citizen with patriotic tendencies, did not see himself as an ordinary teacher to teach language to the students.

He always repeated this: "I do not feel proud of my children because I have not chosen them, but the most important and interesting kind of choosing is my students because they are my choices."

Master Hussein was 8 grade teacher and he contacted the Syrian Communist Party in 1968. They have attempted to spread thinking and culture among this nation. He was also very influential on his peers and his nation through his cultural and literary activities. His membership in this party has continued since 2001. As he says himself: "The issue of being a part of a party is a cultural and developmental issue."

In 2016, one of his books titled "The Land of Water and the Storks" was published by the Cultural Unity of Kanton in Kobani. As a result of what has happened in Kobani, the events he has lived with, and the memories he has, he began to write this work in 2012. This is a work somewhere between history and biography. This book illustrates what his own or his friends have experienced mostly.

About the title of "The Land of Water and the Storks", Hussein says: "Since there was a lot of water in Kobani before, some springs such as "Mishde" and "Araban" springs had made this city very prosperous and made it more beautiful. And since there were many springs and rivers in our lands, a lot of storks used to live here. Storks are very sensitive birds and people like them a lot. In the Caucasus literature, storks are known as martyrs, they are a symbol of martyred people because the soul of the martyred will become storks. Thus, I wanted to create a link between Kobani in the old days and nowadays Kobani as the city of the martyrs."  

Hussein Mohammad Ali is a very kind person with a righteous conscience. He is the honor of Kobani. He is a golden crown shining for the new generation.

Source: Interviewing Hussein Mohammad Ali

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