Latif Halmat, a Poet Who Made That Girl's Braids His Living Tent in All Seasons

Latif Halmat is a famous Kurdish author, poet, and journalist who was born in 1947 in Kirkuk.

In 1979, he began his writing career in the field of children's literature. He has more than twenty poems Diwans and 17 books for children. In 2006, his works were collected to make a 5000-page book. He received the "APEC" award for his Diwan for Children.

He was born into an intellectual family. From the age of eight, he participated in his father's meetings he used to hold for his companions and friends and Latif fell in love with poems of Hafez and Sa'di Shirazi, Farid al-din Attar Neishabouri, Jal al din Romi, Khayyam, Bidel, Ferdousi, Ibn Arabi and …. His father used to recite those poems for in his meetings and translate them into Kurdish.

Later, he felt very interested in new Arabic and European poetry. His favorite poets were Badr Shakr Sayab, Abdul Wahab Bayati, Bilnd Haydari, Adunis, Nizar Ghabani, Mahmoud Darwish, Samih Shalli, Bayron, Keats, Mayakovski, Nazem Hekmat, and hundreds of other poets old and new.

In the mid-1960s he broadcasted his works in the "Jalal Mirza Karim" and "Abdullah Abbas" program in Baghdad Kurdish radio station.

Character Designer: Hemn Qaremani


His first poem was published in 1969 in Rizgari Magazine which was published in Suleimani. His first Diwan called "God and our little town" was published in 1970. His first book in the children's literature field was "The Most Beautiful Village" published in 1979. In 1970, he became the first member of the Kurdistan Writers' Union.

After Goran, Latif Halmat is one of the most eminent voices in the history of new Kurdish poetry, and during the 1970s he participated in the new Kurdish poetry writing seriously. He is also the first poet who write poetic prose in Kurdish. This poet became famous for his work "God and Our Little Town" which was a collection of poems.

Latif Halmat has published more than 79 works in the fields of "Kurdish and Arabic poetry, Kurdish and Arabic analysis, Children's poems, stories and plays, and translation from Arabic".

His works have been translated and published in many languages including Arabic, Persian, Turkmen, German, English, Swedish, and French. There are also tens of critical articles about Latif Halmat's works in Kurdish, Arabic, and Persian. A lot of people have received their Master's degree or Doctoral dissertation for analyzing his works. He has received many awards in Kurdistan and other countries for his works one of which is an award from Sweden for his children's poetry.

His published works:

Kurdish Poetry:

God and our little town

Preparing to be born again

That girl's braids are my tent in all seasons

The white thunderstorm

Those letters that my mother won't read

That poem that will end and will not

Beautiful words are flowers

The anthem for the miserable

This river will not dry out

Latif Halmat's wolves

There is no wild desert left except for women

The teeth of the future are as white as the teeth of war

Latif Halmat Diwan volume 1

Latif Halmat Diwan volume 2

Latif Halmat Diwan volume 3

Poem against poem

The lost verses of the twenty first century or the returning verse

For Childhood

The cloud and disappearance of the texts or the hidden face of Latif Halmat

The forest has always been waiting for its lost birds to return

Arabic Poems:

The iron city

The old Cleopatra and the rain's children

The clouds' shifts


The Literary Analysis:

Poem… beetles… and mini skirts

Those words that insult the dark night

Sufi and Sufism and the non-Islamic ideology effects

About Islamic Sufism

The history of Sufism and Sufism throughout history

From Dadaism to Surrealism

How and what to write for children

The types of texts for children

Poems and Stories for Children:

The most beautiful village

Another nest

A bird with the prettiest voice

The child and rain

The child and sparrow

The child and a doll

The sparrow on the tree

The flower in the flower pot

The donkey and the king

Selected works for children and adults

Asking children questions

The clock

The trees' debate

A cat is riding a bike

The moon sleeps among one thousand and one stars

The Kurdish stories in Arabic

The children Diwan volume 1

 The children Diwan volume 2

The collection of children's works: published four times


The Stories and Plays:

A lullaby for Ur

Palestine is always Ghassan Kanfani's land

Translated Texts from Arabic:

Poem, a European embrace and the dictatorship of the soul

All the seven Dada declarations in Kurdish

There is nothing in this room_ a selection of neo-Arabic and global poems

God, please come to America_ a selection of neo-Arabic and global poems

The females were always here_ Sa'ad Al Sabah poems

I hided my head in her lap like a child_ Nizar Ghabani's poems

Halabja_ poems from a Rojava poet, Taha Khalil, translated into Kurdish

A selection of Nizar Ghabani's poems_ Nizar Ghabani's poems

Hearts Made of Glass_ a collection of Kurdish folklore poems translated into Arabic

Natali Sarot and the Rise and the New Novels_ including a preface, some examples of folklore stories, and the new global novels of Natali Sarot



The evil women of Sheikh Mahmoud


The Awards:

The golden Bawagur award _ in Kirkuk

The golden Ibrahim Ahmad award _ in Suleimani

Apec Award_ in Sweden for Children's Literature

Gold Shield Award of Kurdistan Communist Party in Suleimani

Several memorial meetings and the award of the Ministry of Culture of Kurdistan Region

Several memorial meetings by the Ministry of Education in the Kurdistan Region

Several memorial meetings by the Ministry of Culture of the Federal Iraq

Memorial meeting by the Federal Iraq Writers' Union in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture of Federal Iraq at a Festival in Baghdad

Memorial held by Kurdsat channel, children's program

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