Biography and Works of Mullah Batè

His real name was "Hassan Artoshi". Since he had used "Mullah Batè" as his nickname in some of his poems, he has been known by that name.

Kurdshop - The Kurdish poet and writer Mullah Batè or Hassan Artoshi was born in 1417 in a village called Batè near Julamerg in the North part of Kurdistan and he died in 1491. His tomb is in the same village.

Although Mullah Batè's name is Mullah Hassan Batèi, however, his name has been mentioned in the Islamic encyclopedia as "Ahmad". Also, Dr. Balik Sherko, an author and researcher, Muhammad Amin Zaki, and Aladdin Sajadi confirm this name in their works. Adbul Raqib Yusef in his book, "Diwan Kurmanji", says "I passed through Julamerg region once, and I asked for the Batè family and they answered with the name Hossein. The Mullah's and the local people all agree that his name was either Hossein or Hassan and his nickname was Ahmad."

 His real name was "Hassan Artoshi". Since he had used "Mullah Batè" as his nickname in some of his poems, he has been known by that name. His last name was Artoshi because Artoshi is one of the clans living in Julamerg. He was also one of the most prominent Kurdish wise men during that time. Most of Mullah Batè's works were written in Kurdish.

Mullah Batè was educated in Mosul, Duhok, Hawler (Erbil), and the Maks region near Van, he also had attended most of the schools to finish his education. He was taught by the most knowledgeable teachers of his time. One of his educators was the great Wali Mir Hassan and at the same time, he was very close to Mir Maks, whose name has been mentioned in Mullah Batè's poems.

Since Mullah Batè has used the Kurdish language in a beautiful way in his poems, he is known as one of the best figures who applied the Kurdish language and reached a high level in literature.

During his lifetime, he paid a great deal of attention to social issues, and in order to help establish a good society, he participated in educating the new generations and had great respect for this job. He had tried his best to accommodate the best educational opportunities for children and youth.

He was known as a poet and a religious clergyman. He was educated in literature and religious fields. Most of his works are about religion and literature.

 Mullah Batè's works:

He had three important works that have been preserved to this day.

Kurdish Mowloudi. (The story of Prophet Mohammad's birthday in the poem)

Diwan (His poems are all collected in one Diwan)

The story of Zanbilfrosh

 Kurdish Mowloudi:

Mullah Batè's most important work is "Kurdish Mowloudi". It is also the most important Masnavi form of poetry written in classic Kurdish literature.

The most popular Kurdish Mowloudi that is chanted in the mosques belongs to Mullah Batè, and it is still chanted in the Northern part of Kurdistan.

After the holy Qur'an, Mullah Batè's Mowloudi is the most popular book in Kurdistan schools.

In this work, he praises Islam's Prophet and even nowadays on the birth date of this Prophet, this poem is chanted. This has helped preserve Mullah Batè's Mowloudi to this very day.

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