The Poet from Kermashan, Ali Ashraf Nawbati Known as Partow Kermashani

The poet from Kermashan, "Ali Ashraf Nawbati" known as "Partow Kermashani" was born on September 1931 in Kermashan (Kermanshah). Partow's great grandfather was originally a Baxtiyari Lor who was forced to move and settle in Kermashan by Bahram Mirza Qajar in 1833.

The collection of Partow Kermashani poems was published in 1998 under the title of "Kouche Baghiha". Mohammad Ali Sultani collected these poems and published them. This work has been published several times.

There are many academic researches and articles on Partow Kermashani's poems. After Shami Kermashani, Partow is the best poet in the southern parts of the eastern part of Kurdistan. Some of his poems have been sung by well-known singers.

This Kurdish poet has a collection of great poems in Kurdish and Persian. In addition to his poems, his personality was also very influential in Kermashan among the people and in other parts of Kurdistan generally. He was a respectable and popular figure among people in Kurdistan.

Partow learned Kurdish from his mother's father and as he had said himself, his grandfather encouraged him to work in Kurdish literature and language field.

Mohammad Mowaffaqi, poet and literary critic, in an interview with the Voice of America about Partow Kermashani's works and position, said: this poet's works in his mother tongue were opposition to the assimilation policy on Kurdish culture and language forced on people by the authorities.

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Most of his works are written in the form of Ghazal and a lot of people call him Sa'di Shirazi of this era. Mohammad Mowaffaqi points out that the special feature of Partow's Ghazals is that he not only wrote about love, but he also was able to use various social subjects in his poetry.

Since 2014, May 18 has been chosen as the commemoration day of this poet, and a number of literary figures and activists in Kermashan acknowledge him and his works on this day every year.

Partow died at the age of 91 on January 1, 2022. He was buried in the "Bagh Ferdous" cemetery in a funeral that was held for him and a lot of Kurdish literary figures participated in the funeral.

One of the famous poems of this poet is Armani which has been sung by some artists. This poem which is an example of Partow's works is as follows:




Hey, Armani, I am the miserable homeless

I don't know where your house is, my soul and dear Armani

My sweet Armani, my lovely Armani


I'm afraid you would not stand me, tell me to leave, and not open your home's door for me

If so, I will be a mad man whose soul is burned up

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