The Life Story of Agid Jimo, the Kurdish Master of Naya

Kurdshop - Agid Jimo who was famous as the master of Kurdish naya (a kind of flute that is popular in Kurdistan), was born in 1932 in the village of Ardasher in Armavir region in Armenia. In 1918, Agid Jimo's family moved to Yerevan, the capital of Armenia from the Begri region of Wan city in the North part of Kurdistan.

In the 1960s, he met a girl named Rinde, and he ran away with her. They went to another village, got married, and had five children. Since he loved his wife very much, he never remarried again after she died.

Agid Jimo started Naya at the age of eight, and then he learned how to play Serena, Duzala, and Tambur.

When the Yerevan radio station opened in 1955, Agid Jimo participated in its establishment and was the first Kurdish musician to work there.

At the request of Qasim Jalil who was in charge of the Kurdish radio division, the master of Naya, searched every village and house to find Kurdish singers and composers to take them all to the radio.

Apart from playing Naya, Duzala, Nai, Serena, and Tambur, Agid Jimo played for a long time for prominent Kurdish male and female singers and recorded his name in gold letters on the Kurdish music tower. This Kurdish artist played Naya and Duzala for 37 years, and he was an active member of the Yerevan radio station as a musician and composer.

In 1967, he attended the Melician Romonos Institute of Music in Yerevan and received a diploma. He became a professional musician. The master of Naya participated in the production of Aram Tigran, Karabet Khacho, Afroyeh As'ad, Aslika Qadir, Sousika Simo, Khana Zaze, and tens of other musicians' works.

An album by this artist called "The Breath of the Land" was recorded in the North part of Kurdistan by Koma Music. At the same time, he participated in many other albums playing Naya. In many cities and mostly in Amed and Istanbul, Jimo held concerts, gathered, and delighted the Kurds.

He also starred in the film "Vodka Lemon" by Honar Salim and the documentary film "Avdal Zaike" by Bulent Gunduz.

In addition, a documentary film about Jimo Agid's life titled "My Country is Kurdistan" was produced under the supervision of Aram Tigran Conservatory and directed by "Ibrahim Yildirim".

The Kurdish artist Agid Jimo died at the age of 87 on January 31, 2019, in Yerevan, Armenia.

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