Dilshad Saeed, a West-Inclined Violinist with a Kurdish Folklore Music Taste

Dilshad Saeed was born in 1958 in Dihok. After he finished his education in music in Baghdad, he began to work in Baghdad Radio and Television programs. Later in 1977 after receiving his great degree in Fine Arts Institute in Baghdad, he started to work in Television and Radio Orchestras as a violinist and the orchestra's conductor assistant. He opened the Dihok music group in 1979 which combined Kurdish folklore music with the Western form in an innovative way. From 1984 to 1988 he received his Master's Degree at Wales University in Britain. He is living in Austria now and he is a music professor.

In 2021, Mamle Art Center granted their top prize to Dilshad Saeed with great respect.

Character Designer: Hemn Qaremani

The Mamle Art Center indicated these points as the reason why they have chosen Dilshad Saeed as the winner of this prize:

1. In a historical period of our contemporary music in Kurdistan particularly in the Badinan region, "Dilshad Saeed" has established orchestra groups. Opening the "Dihok music group" is one of the most important tasks that he has accomplished successfully. In addition to this group's music pieces that are regarded as cultural and artistic necessities, their work has also encouraged many artists to work with them to become role models for future generations thus educating many artists.

2. The orchestra that Dilshad Saeed has established has created many unique music pieces and they also have recorded many old Kurdish masterpieces in the form of a scientific orchestral performance. Dilshad Saeed has worked in a way that shows Kurdish melodies have the potential of being worked with in academic forms and to be introduced to the world. One can say that before this respected artist, there was no one so capable to do such things. We believe that all the works and masterpieces of Kurdish music and melody that he has worked on can be considered a masterpiece itself in Mamle Art Center and be introduced as Kurdish music representatives in the world of music.

3. During the time he served as the conductor of the Dihok music group, he played a considerable role in helping girls and women to take part and grow popular in the music field which is a great accomplishment.

4. Dilshad Saeed's music practices are from the classic music of the West however, it is filled with the soul of Kurdish music as well and it carries an identity that belongs to the artist himself. His music has become a genre in Kurdish music that has encouraged many young artists to begin their education and training in playing the violin for his accomplishments in this field.

5. His art is a bridge between Kurdish music and the world's music. His research and writings on Kurdish music have been referred to as academic sources in universities from around the world. Those artists who are being educated in the field of Eastern music should study Saeed's works as their course books and they should use them as their Master's or even PhD references.

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