Masoud Mohammad, the Famous Kurdish Jurist, Intellectual, Linguist, and Critic

Masoud Mohammad, the great Kurdish author, researcher, and intellectual was born in Koya in 1919 to a religious family. He was Mullah Mohammad Jalizadeh's son who was known as the great Mullah of Koya.

He graduated from high school and pre-university in Hewler (Erbil) in 1940 and he graduated from Baghdad Law School in 1945. He became a jurist lawyer afterward. He was Dildar's friend, the poet who wrote the anthem of Ay Raqib, at the university.

Masoud Mohammad had many political responsibilities during his life. He was Koya's representative in Iraq's Parliament for two periods in 1953 and 1954. After the revolution of July 14th, 1958, he became a member of Iraq's agriculture development group and tried to establish the law of developing agriculture and watering with some other jurists. This law was passed on September 30th, 1958 under the title of (The Law of Development of Iraq Republic's Agriculture).

Masoud Mohammad became a minister in 'Tahir Yahya's' council of ministers in 1964 during the Liberation Struggle of Kurdistan. He was chosen as a member of the General Services Council at the end of the 1960s and after establishing the Kurdish Science Council on August 29th, 1970 in Baghdad he became an active member of this council. He also served as the successor of this council's chief after the 1970s in the Science Council of Iraq_ Kurds' branch and did his best as the chief of this council.

Masoud Mohammad is known as a great Kurdish intellectual but most of his works are in the field of Kurdish Linguistics and Literature. His books on Haji Qader Koyi and Nali and his works on Kurdish Grammar and dialects are still regarded as the best works written in this field.

Character designer: Hemn Qaramani

After the South part of Kurdistan revolted against the central government of Iraq in 1991 spring, Masoud Mohammad went back to Kurdistan and stayed there until the very last day of his life. He died on April 1st, 2002 in the Rizgari Hospital in Hewler and was buried in Darwish Khedr Cemetery on April 2nd, 2002 next to his father's tomb.

His Kurdish Books:

Haji Qadir Koyi part one_ Baghdad_ Kurdish Science Council 1973

Haji Qadir Koyi part two_ Baghdad_ Kurdish Science Council 1974

Haji Qadir Koyi part three_ Baghdad_ Kurdish Science Council 1976

Details of some Grammatical points in Kurdish Grammar_ Kurdish Science Council 1974

A bouquet in Nali's garden_ Kurdish Science Council, Baghdad 1976

Some Kurdish grammar hiding spots_ Baghdad_ Kurdish Science Council 1976

Humans and their surrounding_ Baghdad_ Kurdish Group 1984

Towards the street of Kurdish speaking_ Baghdad_ Kurdish Science Council 1978

The Standard dialect – the first publication: "Govari New Roshnbiri" No. 111, 112_ 1986- the second publication: "the standard dialect", No. of presentation to the National Library 380. Baghdad, 1988

For Amir Hassanpour wherever he is! The Kurdish intellectual and publication, Ministry of Education and Law, The Republic of Iraq, Baghdad 1984

The Great Hama Agha- Baghdad 1986

Pleading to Nali- Sweden- Stockholm- 1997 The First Publication

My Life's Journey- Sweden- Stockholm- 1992 The First Publication

His Arabic Books:

اعادة التوازن الی میزان - مختل - المجمع العلمی الکردی - بغداد ١٩٧٧

الی غورباتشوف العظیم

لسان الکرد

التفسیر البشری للتأریخ

المجتمع البشری لماذا یشبە مستشفی المجانین - اربیل ١٩٩٩

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