Baxtiyar Ali, a Man Searching for the Last Pomegranate in the World

Baxtiyar Ali was born in 1960 in Suleimani. He completed his primary education at Sheikh Salam School in the same city. He later studied at Azmar Center Middle School and graduated from Halkawt High School.

He studied geology at Suleimani University and Erbil University. In 1983, he was injured in a university demonstration and left the university. Since 1983, he has been devoted to literary work. In 1983, he wrote "Qasiday Nishtiman", the author's oldest published work, and published for the first time nine years later in "Sin and Carnival" Divan. In the 1980s, the author wrote a number of long poems (Qasida), including "City", "Sin", "Carnival" and many others. The first writing of the novel "The Second Single Death" dates back to this period.

In the autumn of 1989, his first two-part article, entitled "Speaking in the Margins of Silence", was published in the Iraqi newspaper "Pashkoy Iraq". In the early days of the uprising, he and a group of other writers published the Azadi Magazine No 1, which later published till No 5.

In 1992, his first collection of poems was published in a very simple and basic manner in a small number of issues. Between 1992 and 1994, he presented several conferences and seminars in Erbil and Suleimani. His works, along with those of other writers and intellectuals, are seen as the beginning of the emergence of a different kind of view of literature and society.

 Character Designer: Hemn Qaremani

After starting the internal war in September 1994, he left Kurdistan and moved to Syria. After nine months in Damascus, he arrived in Germany and lived in Frankfurt till 1999. During this time, he became one of the founders of Rahand Magazine with a group of other friends. In 1998, he wrote the novel "Evening of the Butterfly". He has lived in Koln since 1999. The following works have been published so far:

Books of Poetry

1. Sin and Carnival 1992

 2. Bohemia and the Stars 2000

3. Collection of Poetic Works (1983–1998).

4. Working in the Forests of Paradise 2004

5. Till the Sadness of Flower ... Till the Blood of Angel, Collection of Poetic Works (1983–2004).

6. O Friendly Harbor, O Enemy Ship 2009

7. One Night the Sky Was Full of Crazy Stars 2019

 The novels

1. The Second Single Death – Novel 1997

2. The Evening of the Butterfly – Novel 1998

3. The Last Pomegranate of the World - Novel

4. City of White Musicians – Novel

5. The Writer of Ghazals and Gardens of Dreams – Novel 2008

6. The Palace of Sad Birds - Novel –

7. My Uncle Jamshid Khan who always been Taken by Wind – Novel 2010

8. The Ship of Angels – Novel – Volume I, 2012

9. The Ship of Angels – Novel – Volume II, 2013

10. The Clouds of Danial – Novel 2015

11. The Ship of Angels – Novel - Volume III, 2017

12. Daryas and the Corpses – Novel 2019

13. The Invasion of Darkness - Novel 2020

Intellectual works

The Answer in the Age of Lost Questions, 2013

 Interviews with the Author – 2013

 Faith and its Warriors - 2004

Deadly Reader – 2005

 The Third Apple - 2009

The Pleasure of Death – 2011

 From the Visible to the Unknown – 2011

 Like a Bird in the Scary Jungles – 2012

 The Fire of Orpheus – 2014

 The Murdered Narcissus – 2015

 The Criticism of Fascist Mind - 2015

The Beauties of Irregularity - 2015

Memory and Time - 2015

Unlocated – 2019

 The East and its Forgotten, about the novel "Daryas and the Corpses - 2019 Ideologist - 2019

The Dictator's Last Laugh – 2020

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