Shahram Nazeri, the Musical Knight and Top Asian Artist

Shahram Nazeri, a famous Kurdish and Iranian musician, has been awarded the “Iranian Song Pavarotti” title.

Shahram or Sharam Nazeri was born on February 18, 1950, in Yakhchali Street, Barzadamakhi neighborhood of Kermashan, to a Kurdish family who was familiar with poetry and music.

His mother introduced him to music and poetry; his father had a nice voice and played the setar along with his knowledge of the rhythms of Iranian music played Setar.

His father used the old styles and singers of the region, especially Sheikh Dawoodi. Parviz Khan Purnazeri, also known as Haji Khan, was the eldest of the family and a student of Darwesh Khan and Colonel Waziri. Most of the music experts of Kermashan learned Iranian notes and traditional music from him.

As a result, Sharam Nazeri was able to present his first artistic program on Radio Kermashan at the age of seven.

At the age of 11, Sharam Nazeri conducted several artistic programs on Iranian radio and television and received lessons from a number of well-known artists. He has recorded over 40 albums and performed concerts in most countries worldwide. He sings in both Kurdish and Persian in his albums and concerts.

Character Designer: Hemn Qaremani

During his artistic career, he has made great efforts to introduce Kurdish culture and music, for which he has been awarded several local and international awards, including:

Concourse Prize Folk Music (1976)

World Mystical Music Award, Morocco Fasi Festival (1997)

Erwin, California Special Award (2006)

French State Legion of Donors (2007)

Knight of Literature and Art Award by the French Government (2007).

Asian Special Artist Award by Asia Society Conference (2007)

The Council of the Association of Asia named him "Asia's Top Artist."

The New York Times called him the "Nightingale of Persia", and The Christian Science Monitor called him "the Iranian Luciano Pavarotti".

He has received the Western Cultural Heritage Award and the Mawlana Gold Medal from the Turkish Ministry of Culture, among other awards and honors.

In 2022, Shahram Nazri, a well-known Kurdish artist, was awarded the Gold Medal of the Kurdistan Artists Union in a ceremony organized by the Ministry of Culture and Youth of the Kurdistan Regional Government.

Shahram Nazeri said at the ceremony: “You all know that I have received great awards in many countries, but none of them is as valuable to me as the award presented to me by the Ministry of Culture and the Kurdistan Regional Government.”

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