The Distinction Between 0 and 1 in "The Translation" of Omar Farouq Baran

The director is successful if the audience can feel every second of the film.

Welat Ramin Azad

As a dichotomy, there is 0 on the one hand, which means being nothing, not being, and death, and on the other hand, there is 1 which means to be and to live. However, there is a difference between 0 and 1, not being and being, life and death. Whether it is to be or not to be, whether it is life or death, whether it is 0 or 1, in the Dichotomy both sides owe their existence to this difference which is the reason for creation and life and death. Perhaps God is neither 1 nor 0, perhaps this distinction is God.

What is this distinction and how does it work? What happens in the distinction between 0 and 1, not being and being and life and death? How does the World, the ontology exist? Can we measure this distinction? Perhaps this distinction is smaller than an atom, shorter than a year, or perhaps it is infinitive and greater than the universe.

How much is a year, a minute, or a second worth? Sometimes, just a minute or second, a year, or several years can redeem a person from death or a catastrophe. Sometimes in a soccer game, in the last second, the team has lost the game and the opponent team has won during the last second. In this distinction between 0 and 1, life and death, lost or win, sometimes a year, a minute or a second can be very crucial.

What does a person can do during a minute or second or how can they live during this time? What can Cinema show in one minute?

The film of Translation (2022) directed by Omar Farouq Baran, is only one minute long. What does Omar Farouq Baran talk about in one minute and what does he show us during sixty seconds?

The focus of "Translation" is on the distinction between 0 and 1 and it is the distinction between life and death. The film tries to show this distinction. Although the difference between 0 and 1 is the focus of this film, the director illustrates zero, not being, and death at the beginning of the film and he shows being one, to be, and life at the end of the film. We can see the phenomena of life, to be, death, and not being in the film.

In the difference between life and death and 0 to 1 in "Translation", we see the importance of years or seconds.

The topic of the film is that during the Kobane war, a group of doctors and a translator are trying to reach the battlefields illegally. At the border gate, we see this group for a minute. To defeat the borders irregularly, to step into the border of the distinction between 0 and 1, life and death; life is on the one side and death on the other. Maybe, a year could help them to escape death or a second could end in their death and …

In the film, one person asks how much time it takes to pass the border, and the translator says: "As long as an operation." Like passing such borders, sometimes people find themselves in the difference between 0 and 1, life and death. This short dialogue shows, and makes us feel the distinction between not being and being.

The Kurdish Kolbars do not live between life and death, they live in the distinction between life and death. Rahim Zabihi illustrates the Kurdish Kolbars' lives with great sadness in his documentary film titled "The Holy Bread" (2020).

The focus of most of the literary texts and artistic works is on life and death but very few artistic, literary, or cinema works show the distinction between 0 and 1, not being and being. One of these films is "Translation". Its main distinction is revealed at this point.

The director's success is that he has been able to make the audience feel every second of the film deeply. The impact of the distinction between 0 and 1, life and death, not being and being makes humans feel it during these sixty seconds and also makes them live like this.

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