Saied Varoj's Book Called "Three Exiled of Lausanne Treaty: Ali Ilmi, Zaynalabedin Fani and Masoud Fani", Published

In this treaty, a list of those who had to be deported and their passports to be confiscated was signed. According to the Lausanne Treaty, Turkey was supposed to declare public amnesty but they were able to exclude 150 people who were their oppositions from this amnesty. There were 150 people who were deprived of public amnesty and they got exiled from Turkey in June 1924.

Kurdshop - The author and researcher, Saied Varoj's book called "Three Exiled of Lausanne Treaty: Ali Ilami, Zaynalabedin Fani and Masoud Fani" is published.

Getting exiled and being a vagrant after the Lausanne Treaty and the biography of three brothers from the Fanizadeh family after they got exiled was the topic of Saied Varoj's research in this book.

This book was published by Payvand Publication, and the author has written the preface of this book. Kan'an Fani Doghan, from the Fani family, has written another preface for it, too. Both of these prefaces that are included in the book are mentioned here:

Kan'an Fani Doghan's Preface

When I was a kid, I read a book by "Léon Lambry” called "Çarpık Rön". The story said: "When the thunder hits a tree, the tree will break but its roots will survive. As time goes by, the tree will grow stronger based on the old roots. The root is so live that will revive the tree once more."

The continuation of generations coming to life looks like that tree. This unique research of Saied Varoj replies to questions such as how our biological and social traits can be transferred to our offspring, and how our thoughts and behaviors form, and most importantly, how and based on what kinds of foundations do our social memory form?

In this book, seven sons of Mohammad Adbulbaqi Afandi have been introduced, none of whom have the chance to be buried in the same cemetery at the end. Generally, researching about vagrant people and their similar difficulties in life and presenting that research can make a bridge for the different generations.

When I read this great work of Saied Varoj, I learned many new information and I felt really sympathetic. This valuable research gave us this chance to know and understand the characters and the events that happened to them in different situations.

On my family and my behalf, I appreciate the author for this valuable work and I wish him good luck.

I sincerely thank the author.

The preface of the author, Saied Varoj

"Three Exiled of Lausanne Treaty: Ali Ilami, Zaynalabedin Fani and Masoud Fani" is one of the volumes of the well-known figures of Kurdistan that I have been working on for a long time. I do not want to explain a lot on this brief preface, I simply would like to present some statements of the Lausanne Treaty.

The Lausanne Treaty began on November 21, 1922, and lasted for almost one and a half year, and it was signed on July 24, 1923. The Treaty was signed under the impression and threats of the Bolshevik's revolutions and this treaty resulted in the North part of Kurdistan remaining within Turkey's borders.

In this treaty, nothing is mentioned directly on the Kurdistan problem. As many characters from the Allies countries signed the Treaty, there was a lot of debate over the future of the South part of Kurdistan under the title of "Mosul Question" and among them, the new state of Turkey and Britain insisted more than the other parties. Ankara government wanted to cancel the rights that were supposed to be granted to the South part of Kurdistan via the case of Mosul and their goal was not to preserve Iraq's national dignity because at that time the constitution of Iraq was being prepared in a way that there were no legal or political right preserved for the Kurdish people.

In this Treaty the list of those oppositions who were supposed to be deported and their passports had to be confiscated was signed. According to the Lausanne Treaty, Turkey was supposed to declare public amnesty but they were able to exclude 150 people who were their oppositions from this amnesty. There were 150 people who were deprived of public amnesty and they got exiled from Turkey in June 1924. This article of the Treaty shows that the Allies and the Kemalists had agreed on this. The names of three Fanizadeh brothers and several other Kurds were among these 150 exiled people. You can read about these brothers' fate in this book.

There are several friends and teachers of mine who helped me in preparing this book, and I would like to acknowledge them in a few words: Jamil Ahmadi helped me in translating the Ottoman texts to modern Turkish; Dr. Ramazan Partav translated a book written by Masoud Fani named La Nation Kurde et Son Evolution Sociale; Dr. Hemn Omar who translated a text called "An Open Letter for Zaynalabedin Bag" from Sorani dialect; also Mohammad Garip Ay, he translated the hand-written ID card of Ali Ilmi and several other documents. And last but not least, M. Hevidar who read and edited my book and helped me in verifying this book's text. I appreciate all these respectful friends.


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