Adleh Khanm, the Crownless Queen of Kurdistan

Adleh Khanm married a well-known person in Halabja named "Osman" in 1896. After Mahmud Pasha Jaf died, the Jaf clan's leadership was given to Osman Pasha Jaf and Adleh Khanm became his wife and colleague.

Kurdshop - Kurdish women have always possessed independent minds and thoughts. There are several wise and intelligent women in Kurdish society who have been prominent figures in the eyes of society, historians, and foreign orientalists. They have become their nation's pride.

In this regard, the Russian historian who worked on Kurdish affairs, Vladimir Minorsky, had identified Kurds as one of the most advanced and civilized nations.

Mr. Rich also compared Arab, Turkish, and Persian women with Kurdish women and said that Kurdish women are more advanced in rank, position, freedom, intelligence, and integrity than women of other nations.

Kurdish women have also been praised by many foreign tourists and orientalists.

One of the women who is the pride of the Kurdish nation and her intelligence and dignity have attracted foreigners' attention is Adlah Khanm.

Majorson, a British political officer and orientalist talked about Adleh Khanm like this: "Adleh Khanm is a strong woman and a sociable, businesswoman who has attempted to pioneer the infrastructures of a civilization in Halabja."

Who is this lady that has been praised by foreigners like this?!

After the Baban Mirs collapsed in 1851, a family moved from Suleimani to Sina (Sanandaj) which was under Ardalan's control at that time; and that family belonged to Abdulqader Bag son of Hamid Bag. Adlah Khanm was born in this famous family in 1859 and she grew up in this city.

She married a well-known man from Halabja in 1895 named "Osman". After Mahmud Pasha Jaf died, the Jaf clan's leadership was given to Osman Pasha Jaf and Adleh Khanm became his wife and colleague.

After Osman Pasha died in 1905, Adlah Khanm managed all the affairs of the Jaf clan. Her name spread throughout Sharazur, Hawraman, and other areas in the Southern part of Kurdistan and among people. She was respected greatly in the East part of Kurdistan, too.

At the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century, this lady played a great role in the history of that time Kurdish structure, especially in the Halabja, Sharazur, and Hawraman regions.

Managing the affairs of a great clan such as Jaf in Halabja and Sharazur plain and establishing relationships with the British was not an easy task, however, this intelligent Kurdish lady took the responsibility of such affairs.

After she became the leader of a great clan such as Jaf, her authority grew so much that she was known as the crownless queen of Sharazur.

Halabja which is now known as the city that was attacked with chemical weapons, was developed under Adlah Khanm, her husband Osman Pasha, and their sons Tahir Bag and Ahmad Mukhtar so much so that several grand buildings were built in it. With the support of Adlah Khanm, Halabja became a developed city.

Adlah Khanm opened Halabja doors for the neighboring cities to trade goods with this city and she built several great markets.

As it is known, Adlah Khanm was the first woman in the history of Iraq to become a governor. She became the governor of Halabja in 1909.

She was not only the governor of this region, but also was a high ranked political person who had her own judiciary system. She would preside over the courts and punish the guilty men. She also built magnificent halls and towers in Halabja. That village which was forgotten during the reign of the Ottomans, became a political and commercial city, and even the Ottomans themselves wished to be a part of this city's trading partners, Adlah Khanm however, never let the Ottomans establish their bases in that area.

"Miss Bell", the British reporter, visited Halabja in 1921 and saw Adlah Khanm and she talked of this lady like this: "We as British people, cannot ignore Adlah Khanm, she is the leader of a region, commander of the Jaff clan, she is a capable woman and she has a position that will never be forgotten by people. She is also a pretty woman wearing Kurdish clothes."

This lady served her nation economically very much. She showed all over the world that Kurdish women are equal to men and in Kurdish society, women can reach high levels of authority and even participate in political activities, too.

Vladimir Minorsky, the Russian historian in Kurdish studies, visited the southern part of Kurdistan in 1909, he also visited Halabja and went to Adlah Khanm's mansion. In his memoirs, he wrote: "Adlah Khanm is an exemplary woman, she is very wise and possesses a strong character."

Edmonds, the British officer in the southern part of Kurdistan, talked about this lady as follows: "Osman Pasha's authority was given to his wife completely after his death, in fact, she was the crownless queen of Sharazur."

This great lady wanted to develop an educational system; thus, she built several schools. After serving her nation greatly, this famous woman died on April 11, 1924. She was buried in the holy land of Kurdistan in Ababail cemetery in Halabja.

This well-known lady brought a modern civilization to Kurdistan and her activities and services will remain an example for all Kurdish women after her to work their best to have an impact on their society and serve it properly.

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