A Kurdish Actress Became the Best Actress Monaco International Film Festival

Dilbar Jziri is not only an actress in this film she is also the director. She has taken part in several international short film festivals and has won the best scenario and director prizes. Dilbar Jziri won the best actress prize after participating in Monaco international special interest film festival.

Kurdshop_ Dilbar Jziri, a Kurdish actress and a singer from the North part of Kurdistan, won the best actress performance at Monaco international film festival for acting in a new Turkish film called Gordesli Makbule. She played the role of a “brave Kurdish girl who fights for peace”.

Not only Dilbar Jziri plays as an actress in this film, but she also is the director of the film. She has participated in several international film festivals for her short films and has won the best scenario and best director prizes.

Dilbar Jziri won the best actress performance at Monaco international special interest film festival.

After receiving this prize she said: “The best time of my life was when I stepped on the scene for I was invited to such an international film festival as a Kurdish woman from the North part of Kurdistan. I would like to donate this achievement in the name of Kurds because I believe our attempts in film production and taking part in festivals is for sending this national message from the Kurds in the art of Cinema and Theater that we have a rich treasure in this field.”

Dilbar Jziri also said: “I would like to donate this prize to every Kurd because I was invited here as a Kurdish woman. I also would like to thank my colleagues for giving me this opportunity to take part in this film which let the film get artists and experts’ attention from around the world.”

In the end, Dilbar Jziri mentioned that she had recorded two songs, one in Kurdish and the other in Turkish, and that she would like to perform them for the audience.

This actress and director is originally from the North part of Kurdistan and has been born and grew up in Germany. She has started her music career at a young age.

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