The Arabian Belt and Resistance of "Jimoy Al Hamk"

Diyar Hami

"Jimoy Al Hamk" resisted the Arabian belt constantly and he was accused of blocking the world socialist system being arrested and tortured by the security forces.

"Jimoy Al Hamk" is from "Akhbesh" village which is located in the east of Kobane city. He is a Kurdish figure who did not accept to give up his land. He had 400 Shiml of land and the Syrian government wanted to divide it among some Arabic families, "Jimo's" story of resisting tyranny, genocide, and extinction of the Kurds begins from here.

In 1963, the Syrian Regime decided to seize Kurds' lands and divide them among the Arabs under the title of "March 8th Revolution" within the Arabian Belt Project which was designed to get rid of the Kurds from their homeland by seizing their properties.

"Jimo" did not accept to give up his land and stood against the Syrian regime and its security forces. For four years he did not let the displaced Arabs farm even in a small part of his land. he would set fire and would destroy whatever they had planted. He would make scary noises at night and let his hounds attack them. The security forces had no choice so they asked the army to help them out. They sent a special military force to capture Jimo's lands. Since Jimo's village is near the Turkey-Syria border, he fled to the other side of the border where his family and relatives were living. He shot them from the other side of the border but the Syrian soldiers could not shoot the other side of the border. Jimo also released his horse to wander around in his land so that the Arabs could not plant anything.

Jimo was not always successful in running from the regime's forces; sometimes he would get captured and one time they pulled him in a military car and tortured him in Deir Az Zur prison which put him coma for one week, later, he was trialed in military court (the worst court in Syria); in that court he said: "As long as I am alive, I will not abandon my land and you can execute me for that". He was accused of putting obstacles in the world socialist system and was condemned. He was in prison for a while and when he was let out, he burned the wheat the Arabs had planted in his land.

Some of Jimo's cousins had named themselves Jimo so that they could surrender themselves to the government instead of Jimo to bear his condemnation; this helped Jimo to stop the government's plans for seizing and occupying his lands.

Finally, the displaced Arabs ran away and they were unable to plant anything in Jimo's lands not even for a year and they could not bring their families to that place. Later, Jimo was able to regain all his land with the help of an attorney from Afrin called "Shawkat Na'san" signing it over to his name and his wife and children's name.

Jimo was able to stop the Arabian Belt from reaching Kobane and cut the genocide project short.

The story of Jimo is the story of every Kurdish person who lives in this world because we all witness cruelty, tyranny, capturing our freedom, and banning our language from speaking or learning it. The occupiers of Kurdistan have always wanted to vanish Kurds from their lands stopping them from learning and getting well-informed, so that, Kurds would never learn about their rights. However, Kurds must act like Jimo and resist the occupiers so they can achieve their goals.

"Jimo Al Hamk" from Kobane is very famous and everyone knows his story of resistance and braveness. This article's source is an interview with Jimo himself.   

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