The struggle of Shah Abbas Safavid and Halo Khan Ardalan

Peshawa Kurdistani

"Halo Khan" son of "Sultan Ali Ardalan" who was the Emir of the emirate from 996 to 1014 Hijri ruled the Ardalan emirate from "Marivan Castle" for a while. He rebuilt Marivan Castle and built mosques, schools, reservoirs, and a bath inside this castle and strengthened "Zalm", "Palangan" and "Hassanawa" castles, too. By Halo Khan's order, they strengthened Hassanawa Castle so much and constructed such high walls around it that it was undefeatable. "Mastoura Ardalan," wrote about this: I saw with my own eyes that during "Amanollah Khan Ardalan's" authority, the British and Russian Ambassadors had specially come to Kurdistan to see the remains of this castle. Although it had been ruined, however, they thought it was very strange to them (Ardalan, 2005).

Halo Khan was a smart, fearless, and skilled man. He helped his land develop a great deal. His treasure was always rich in gold and silver and he was also very generous. He built many mosques, Khanaqahs, and other religious buildings. Peace and abundance were easily found in his territory. He never obeyed Iran's Shah nor paid any attention to the Ottoman Turks. The Turks and Ajam states were afraid of him both (Hazhar, 2002).

Marivan Castle

The power and independence of Halo Khan frightened Shah Abbas of Safavid so he decided to occupy Kurdistan land. he sent a ten-thousand soldiers army to "Hassanawa" castle which was Halo Khan's headquarters at that time. They attacked the "Hassanawa" castle four times unsuccessfully. With a small army, Halo Khan defeated the enemy's army. The news of this defeat reached "Shah Abbas" and for a second time, he sent another large army to Kurdistan which was also defeated. For the third time, "Shah Abbas" sent a large army to Kurdistan commanding it himself deciding to occupy Kurdistan and capture "Halo Khan". Near Hamadan, he asked for a Kurdish soldier in his army named "Ali Bag Zangana" or "Ulli Balli Zangana" who was a wise man in order to ask him about the direction and routes to Kurdistan. He made Shah Abbas understand that he could do nothing via these battles and if the "Itani Safavid" army gets defeated for a third time, this shame will never be forgotten thus, it is better to deal with Halo Khan via peaceful negotiations. "Shah Abbas" accepted this advice and returned to Isfahan.

Hassanawa Castle

Shah Abbas chose "Ulli Balli Zangana" as the head of this mission and sent him to Halo Khan with a lot of gifts. In order to carry out his plan, he met "Halo Khan" in Marivan Castle, earned his trust, and made him "Shah Abbas's" friend. Shah built his friendship with Halo Khan and became his friend seemingly writing Halo Khan letters constantly until he gained Halo Khan's trust completely. Shah asked him to visit the court and be the king's special guest. "Halo Khan" was not sure about this so he excused himself and mentioned his old age as an excuse for not going. Shah Abbas wrote to him: now that you cannot come here yourself, send your son, Khan Ahmad Khan so that he could receive a royal education in the court. "Halo Khan" consulted with his wise men and they told him: you have a good relationship with Shah now, trust him, and send off your son. Halo Khan sent "Khan Ahmad Khan" and Shah made him so special and granted him so many ranks and titles that he became one of the obedient servants of Shah (Sanandaji, 1987).

Hassanawa Castle

In order to achieve his desire to capture Halo Khan, Shah Abbas planned "Khan Ahmad Khan's" marriage to his sister, "Kilaw Zer Khanm", with him. They married the bride and groom and gave them a house inside the royal castle. After a while when Shah Abbas was sure that he had full control over Khan Ahmad Khan, he decided that it was time to capture Kurdistan and "Halo Khan" through his son; he asked for Khan Ahmad Khan and made him understand that he should surrender his father to Shah and rule Kurdistan himself. "Khan Ahmad Khan" promised the king that he would do what he desired. The king ordered giving Khan Ahmad Khan a large army with a lot of equipment, servants, and gifts and transferring him and his wife to Kurdistan. Khan Ahmad Khan took the money and the gifts and began to manipulate his father's commanders and advisors gradually with those gifts.

"Khan Ahmad Khan" deceived all the men in his father's court making sure he could capture "Halo Khan". They hosted a party in the Kurdish traditional way with walnuts and raisins where most of the Kurdish wise men and advisors were present as well as some guests from Isfahan. To tease his father, he ordered some servants to bring the candies and cakes they had brought from Isfahan as the princess's gifts to Kurdistan so that everyone could enjoy them. "Kilaw Zer Khanm", the princess, sent several kinds of syrups, candies, and other sweet treats to the party. Since his father had been teased, the Isfahani guests also began to show off.

Hassanawa Castle

"Halo Khan" understood the meaning of such despicable behavior and got angry talking to "Khan Ahmad Khan" saying: Son, you have been deceived by sweet treats making me taste bitterness. As long as I have understood this yellow butter you have brought here is not clean without problems. I hope you die young since you have paved the way for the Qizlbash troops to come to Kurdistan. You made our own walnut and raisins treat which was very healthy for as turn into a poison. We have lived with our local food and drinks so far, leading an independent authority without obeying any king or minister's order but now it does not seem likely that they would leave us be because they deprive us of our independence crown occupying our land. "Halo Khan" left the party, went back to Marivan Castle, and closed the gates. "Khan Ahmad Khan" felt very angry, he imposed his armed soldiers around the castle and decided to capture his father in a battle.

"Khan Ahmad Khan" stayed near the castle for a long time but he could not do anything. He sent a message to his mother who was inside the castle so that she could help him. His mother made the castle's guards to help out her son. Khan's wife opened the gates at midnight helping the troops to come inside the castle finding "Halo Khan", arresting him, and sending him to Isfahan. "Shah Abbas" forgave him but he never let him go back to Kurdistan. He made him stay in Isfahan under arrest until he died there. The enemies of Kurdistan never were pleased with this land's independence and development. They attacked this Kurdish Amir by deceiving him and betrayal so that they could prevent Kurdistan from staying independent.

Mariwan Castle

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