Kurdish Newroz and a Process for Nation-Building - Part 3

Keyhan Mohammadinejad

To read the previous part click here

In the previous part of this article, I discussed the beginning and history of Kurdish Newroz, Newroz, and Mitra religion and the story of Zahad and Kawa the Smith. I also interviewed some researchers about the fake story of Zahak and Kawa the Smith and Ferdowsi's Shahnameh and the oppressors' misleading narrations of the history. In this part of the article, I will talk about the "importance of Newroz in Kurdish folklore and its influence on the process of nation-building".

The Importance of Newroz in Kurdish Folklore:

Even though Kurdistan is dominated by the colonialist states, and these oppressive states try their best to assimilate and vanish the Kurdish nation in all fields, fortunately, the oral literature of Kurds has not faded away and this literature has mentioned and preserved all the important Kurdish ceremonies and Newroz has been repeatedly mentioned in this literature and many poets have mentioned it, too. This national ceremony has even been mentioned in the old literary texts for example in this instance the story of "Mam and Zin" written by Ahmad Khani.

A part of the poem by "Ahmad Khani" about Newroz:

 To celebrate the great day of Newroz

Everybody would go out of town, even the elderly

Nowadays, we see that Newroz is mentioned in many of the Kurdish poems and most of them talk about Newroz and love, for example, the lover calls his beloved girl and tells her:

"Today is Newroz and the beginning of a new year, come, let us express our happiness, I wish you a happy Newroz".

"Baba Tahir Oryan" talks about Newroz in his poem:

"The day I reach my lover is as happy as the Newroz eve".

The Impact of Newroz on the Process of Nation-Building:

Newroz is the Kurds' identity. It is one of the main occasions related to revolutions and uprisings and it is the identification of the Kurdish nation. At the time of the Newroz celebration, many Kurdish symbols have been preserved and the Kurdish nation has always celebrated this day as a part of their folklore. Thus, one of the ancient occasions that has become a part of any nation's civilizations is Newroz, which identifies Kurds as the first nation who be shown as a civilized nation.

Professor "Mawloud Ibrahim Hassan" a researcher says: that history has proven that Newroz is ancient and belongs to Kurds; it has also appeared in Kurdistan for the first time; the place where the Sumerian God (Damouzi) goes underground for six months and then he resurrects again, the ancient city of "Darinkuyi" in the North part of Kurdistan which is an underground city with 8 floors under the ground; this is exactly similar to the story of "Damouzi and Ashtar" descending under the ground. Thus, one can identify this place as an important place for Newroz beginning from "Sharader" and reaching "Hawler" and "Bestansor" since it follows the story of Damouzi. These cities have historical backgrounds and can be assigned as significant places for Newroz to assemble people in these places. This is very effective both on the national and economic aspects of Kurdistan.

In fact, to introduce and interpret the Kurdish identification and to prove itself against the oppressive nations that have occupied Kurdistan, all the holy elements that introduce and describe this identification must be interpreted perfectly and vastly.  

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