The Genocide of 61 Villages in The East Part of Kurdistan

Shahab Khalidi

In 1979, after the revolution of Iranian nations concurred with the Monarchy regime, the Islamic Republic of Iran began to genocide most of the villages and cities of Kurdistan in their anti-national policies framework. In addition to this, their forces captured tens of thousands of people who were killed during their brutal torture or due to being executed or shot.

During those years when the regime was occupied in the cruel genocide of Kurdish people, at least 51 villages were ruined or burned to the ground. Among these 51 villages, one village belonged to Sna, 7 villages to Piranshahr, 13 villages to Hawshar, and 30 villages to Urmia.

Thus, according to the information we have now, the genocide happened in 61 villages in the East part of Kurdistan which led to the martyrdom of 518 individuals.

These villages, regions, and cities that were the IRI target of genocide are:

Sna: On March 18th, 1979, two days before Newroz and only 35 days after the secession of the IRI revolution, the regime's forces attacked Sna from the ground and the sky which ended in the death of hundreds of civil citizens. (Abdullah Hassanzadeh mentioned 450 people and Ghani Bolourian mentioned 2300 people.)

Sna: On March 19th, 1979 after the Jihad Fatwa was declared by Khomeini, the regime's forces attacked this city from the sky and the ground several times during which 600 people were killed.

Qarne Village: It is a part of Naghada City. On September, 2nd, 1979 in Naghada city 68 people were killed by the IRI forces, the name of 60 of them has been verified. When the religious Mullah of that village, Mullah Mahmoud Behtarzadeh, took the Quran with him and went to talk to the regime's forces, they did not show any mercy and burned his copy of the Quran and beheaded him violently. There were many victims who were as old as 6 to 10 years old.

Collecting the Dead Bodies in Qarne Village


Qalatan: It is a village near Naghada city and on March 26th, 1980 more than 12 people were massacred.

Bayzawe: It is near Naghada city and on December, 8th 1981, nine people were killed.

Bapirawa: It is near Naghada and on December 9th, 1981 nine people were killed.

Dilancharkh Halbe Koykan Karezay Shikakan Yonslyan: It is near Naghada and on March 14th, 1983, forty people were killed, however, only 23 of them had been identified.

Khalifan and Gorkhana: They are near Naghada and on March 25th, 1983, eight people got killed in these villages.

Chaqal Mustafa: It is near Naghada and on March 25th, 1983, sixteen people were killed. We only have the names of 13 of these people.

Kani Ard: It is near Naghada and in 1984 one person got killed.

Sinawa: It is near Urmia and on March 18th, 1985, nine people were killed.

Geche: It is near Urmia and on March 23rd, 1983, thirteen people were killed whose names were all verified.

The regime's forces also arrested 35 more people and tortured them very cruelly in the prison. One of the prisoners Shakour Ahmadi, the brother of Ibrahim Ahmadi who had been martyred before, went mad under severe torture and he lost his mind. In addition to this, during air bombarding a woman called Rahima Rohani was killed and several others were injured.

Piranjkh: It is near Urmia and on March 27th, 1983, seventeen people were killed.

Mirawa: It is near the Soma region of Urmia City; on April 2nd, 1983, eleven people were killed among whom there were six children. Those children got killed when they were with their mothers. There was a woman among the killed people named Rafiya the daughter of Shakir who was 70 years old. There was also a woman named Maryam Mustafazadeh among those thirty children. A woman named Hanifa Khedri got killed with her child and another woman called Farida Mamadi got killed with her two children.

The village of "Koure Jourou": It is near the Anzali region in Urmia and on April 13th, 1983, five people were killed.

The village of "Koure Khwarou": It is also near the Anzali region in Urmia, and on April 13th, 1983, ten people were killed among whom were four people from Hamama village and another person from Mamakan and another from Mingol villages.

Qojkh: It is near Anzali region in Urmia. On August 19th, 1983, two women named Naze Ahmadi and Gule Ahmad were killed.

Karez: It is near Anzali in Urmia. Three people were killed in three years 1983, 1984, and 1991.

Rula: It is near Urmia and on January 1st, 1987, seven people were killed; the names of six of them were verified.

Golank: It is in the Anzali region near Urmia and in 1983, eight people were killed.

Inderqash and Wusoukand: These villages are near Mahabad and on November 4th, 1980, fifty-three people were killed, the names of thirty-five of them were verified. The Basiji forces of IRI did this attack under the leadership of someone called Ma'boudi.

Qaragol: It is near Mahabad and on January 26th, 1983, eighteen people were killed. Some of them were 70 years old or older.

Sawzi: It is near Mahabad and on January 26th, 1983, nine people were killed there.

Mahabad: The Iranian regime killed more than 59 young men in Mahabad by hanging on June 2nd, 1983, some of whom were younger than 18 years old.

Dema Sour, Jafr Awa, Marjan Awa: These villages are near Mahabad, and on March 3rd, 1983 many people were killed in these villages however, only name of 9 of them were verified.

Ja'far Awa: It is near Mahabad and two people were killed here on March 16th, 1983.

Sofiya: It is near Shino city and 12 people were killed here on November 18th, 1980. Among them were 7 people who were older than 50 years. In addition to this, the criminals also injured twenty more people in the attack.

Jibrael Awa, Gundawela, Douaw: They are all near Shino city and 6 people were killed in these villages on September 14th, 1983.

Kotol and Habash regions: These regions are close to Khoy city and 20 people were killed in those areas on April 9th, 1979.

Yarmq: This village is close to Mako and a man named Ismael Ramini, son of Mohammad was killed on May 4th, 1981. Two other men were killed on November 5th, 1981. Ibrahim Hemati, son of Ali was another victim who was killed in 1983.

Kharman: It is near Mako and a person was killed on June 2nd, 1981.

Timka: It is near Mako and a person was killed on November 5th, 1981.

Niyar: It is near Sna city and a person was killed on May 28th, 1983.

Saroqamish Brick factory: It is an area near Bokan and 18 people were killed among whom 13 names were verified on September 13th, 1981.

Nabikandi: It is near Hawshar and the regime forces killed 9 people in this area in 1980.

Ahmadawa Khwarou: It is near Hawshar and 6 people were killed in 1980 one of whom was 11 years old.

Shermard: It is near Hawshar and 2 people were killed in 1980.

Qzqapan: It is near Hawshar and a person was killed in 1980.

Aghdaray Nawarasti: It is near Hawshar and a person was killed in 1980 here.

Hassan Awa: It is near Hawshar and a person was killed in 1980.

Hassan Lawan: It is near Hawshar and in 1980 2 men who were a father and a son were killed.

Yaraziz and Chiraghtapa: They are near Hawshar and 4 women were killed in 1980.

Maynblagh: It is near Hawshar and the regime's forces arrested 11 people at night on September 3rd, 1981, and later executed them.

Gweaghaj: It is near Hawshar and the Iranian regime forces killed 5 people here in 1981.

Qzqopi: It is near Hawshar and two people were killed here in 1981.

Khatoun Awa: It is near Hawshar and a person was killed here in 1981.

Dashkastan: It is near Hawshar and three people were killed in 1981.

Doumaskani: It is near Hawshar and three people were killed in 1981.

Aghajari: It is near Hawshar and an old man was killed with his wife here in 1982. They thought that they were old, and the forces would not kill them so they had not escaped the village, but unfortunately, the cruel armed forces of IRI killed them violently.

Sayinjout: It is near Hawshar and four people were killed in 1982.

Qozlou: It is near Hawshar and two people were killed here in 1982. A lot of people were also arrested two of whom were executed later.



1. "The Endless Massacre" by Javad Daneshpajouh

2. The genocide of Kurds in the East part of Kurdistan by Rahman Naqshi

3. Agri Newspaper, no. 85, p. 5.

4. Kurdipedia- The Genocide of the East part of Kurdistan (

5. The Execution of 59 Young Men in Mahabad; a hurtful narration of a historical catastrophe (

6. Genocide, plunder, and burning of a number of people in the Hawshar villages and city from 1979 to 1981. Prepared by: Mustafa Pirani

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