Dinkha Hill in Shino and Four Thousand Years of Civilization


Shino has many historical monuments, most of which are only identified by a sign or text and have not been studied by any organization in Iran. This is a benefit to the history of the Kurdish nation. To the southeast of the city is a hill that dates back more than 3500 years.

The location of this historical hill is in the middle of the Shino plain because the city is surrounded by high and short mountains. Not much research has been done on the hill, but what is known is that in 1935, a British archaeologist named Sir Aurel Stein visited Shino with an Iranian archaeological committee and later conducted research on the hill.

The research on this historical hill has not been completed due to the 1979 revolution and there is a lot of history left untouched and hidden in its heart. The hill was introduced to the world by the British archaeologist.

Before the 1979 revolution, the hill was a village and people lived there. However, the residents were forced to leave the village due to the policies of the Iranian authorities. The remains of the village are still visible. The village is located in such a way that the Gadar River flows alongside it and the clear spring is located there. The water has made the land and farms around the village very prosperous and fertile.

Sir Aurel Stein says the historic hill consists of two parts that date back to the pre-Islamic and post-Islamic periods. He says the hill consists of several layers, each of which has been the home of people in history. The importance of the hill lies mainly in its pre-Islamic part.

When Stein excavated the hill, he found a tomb containing two bodies, one sitting and the other lying down. There was a copper dagger above the head of one of the bodies, an iron ring on the stomach, and some pots and other items such as tiles. Stein believed the tomb dates back to 4000 BC.

Other excavations conducted again by Stein on the hill suggest that there are remains of the Stone Age and some people lived there at the time. There are several other small hills nearby, the most famous of which is Miza Hill. The elders of the city say that Miz means tax and that the hill was a place where taxes were collected from the people.

Due to being very old, the hill has unfortunately not disappeared from the eyes of abusers and has been excavated in a very dangerous manner by those people to find something and get to a fortune. However, what is clear is that neither these people have access to the monument nor the authorities prevent them from excavating and damaging the historical monument.

Most of the people digging the historic hill are people supported by the authorities. So far, the hill has not been officially protected by the Iranian Cultural Heritage Administration or even Urmia province. Only a sign has been etched on the hill that describes its identity.

Stein and his colleagues have published the results of their research in a book called "The Civilization of Dinkha". The book was published more than 50 years later by two people named Samad Aliyoun and Ali Sadraei. The question is that why these studies are published as a book after all those years.

The translators of the book say that before Hasanlu Hill in Naghadeh, the archaeologists paid attention to this hill, and therefore they started research as soon as possible when they reached the hill. At the beginning of the research, they wrote a report that the pre-Islamic part of the hill is the most important, and there is an ancient history in the heart of the hill that if can be worked on, contains very valuable information for history.

What is now on the Hill is only research that has been published in the book and nothing else. The Cultural Heritage Administration does not allow anyone to work on it under any name. A group of archaeologists even called for similar work to be done in its Islamic section, but this met with opposition from Tehran authorities. Therefore, it shows how important the hill is to the Kurdish nation, which is prevented from remaining hidden.

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