The Narrative of Broye Haske and the Agri Republic - Part 2

Kurdshop - A well-written anthem was chosen as the national anthem of the Agri Republic called "Halba Agri":

Agri, Agri, you were the fire

You rose up and you became glorious

You were Kurdistan light

Ignite Agri, ignite Agri!...

You used to throw fire on enemies

You used to light up everywhere

The Turkish government was preparing its forces to attack the Agri Republic and planned some plots to save some time. Thus, they declared amnesty for all in 1928.

When the Turks found out that this plan would affect the Agri and Khoyboun leaders' position, they began to think about another plan to negotiate with the Agri commanders; the Kemalist authorities sent a delegation to Bazid city to negotiate with Ehsan Nouri Pasha.

According to the sources, the delegation of the Agri Republic included people such as Broye Haske, Ehsan Nuri Pasha, Farznda Bag, and Khalis Bag. The Kurdish-Turkish meeting took place in May 1928 near the city of Bazid.

In the meeting, the Turkish representatives put forward some unfounded conditions to the Kurds, but Ehsan Nuri Pasha said about their demands, "The Turks must respect the Kurds in Agri. I will not apologize to the state, but the condition for stopping the war is to recognize Kurdistan's independence."

However, it was found that Turkey was only negotiating to gain time to reorganize and attack the Republic of Agri. That is, their meeting had no results.

After that negotiation, there was no attack on either side for several months; according to the book "Amar Khan Shikak" by "Mohammad Saleh Qaderi", another meeting was organized in the village of "Kanikork" between the Kurds and Turks, but that meeting also had no results. After the meeting, heavy fighting started between the Turkish army and the fighters of the Republic of Agri.

The Battle of Kanikork, which took place in 1929 between the Turkish army and the Republic of Agri and lasted several weeks, was one of the largest battles. In the autumn of that year, the Turkish army occupied and burned the village of Kanikork in the Agri Republic.

After the brutal attack of the Turkish army, the Kurdish forces attacked them, and fighting broke out in the plains of the area; the Kurdish forces achieved great victories. A Turkish plane was also shot down by Agri fighters.

Some time passed and in 1930, the Turkish army again assembled a large force. At the time, the Turkish army had prepared about 70000 soldiers to attack the Republic of Agri.

Regarding the number of Turkish forces and their weapons, Mohammad Saleh Qaderi writes in his book, Amar Khan Shikak, “The Turkish army brought 50 aircraft, 10 heavy artillery units, and 550 machine guns around Ararat. Against them there were more than 1000 fighters, most of them armed with light weapons. They also could seize some artillery and machine guns from the Turkish soldiers in the clashes, but they were without bullets."

The Kemalist army's goal was to occupy Mount Agri with all its might. They attacked Mount Agri with massive land and air attacks, a great battle ensued, and they finally could conquer Mount Agri.

After the occupation of Agri, in the summer of 1930, Kurdish fighters attacked the bases and towns of Hasan Avdal and Noshar in the Zilan and Sufan regions and after a heroic battle defeated the invaders and several enemy soldiers surrendered.

After the battle, Kurdish fighters in the cities of Erdish and Patnos strengthened their uprising and a major battle took place there and liberated these cities from the Turkish army. In these cities, Kurdish fighters captured dozens of Turkish soldiers, and a lot of ammunition was taken by the fighters.

The book Amar Khan Shikak described the battle, “The Kurdish fighters gathered near the Zilan Valley and were ready to attack the Turks from that point on the orders of the commanders of Agri, but they were ordered to move before the appointed time, so they were left alone. Also, there was a conflict between the chief of the Haidaran tribe, Mamad Bag, and Sheikh Rasul Barzanji. Some of the Kaskoyi tribe also helped the government. Meanwhile, the Turkish army surrounded the area with heavy forces."

The movement of Kurdish fighters in Zilan prevented the Agri fighters from going to their aid and the area was occupied by Turkish troops. It is known that the Kurdish fighters in Zilan have only been able to open the way for civilians not to be massacred in a major battle.

The Turkish army began attacking the villages of the Zilan Valley and killing the villagers there. A humanitarian disaster occurred. It is known that the occupying Kemalist army burned 320 villages and killed about 15000 people including children, women, and the elderlies.

On July 16, 1930, the Turkish newspaper Cumhuriyet reported entitled "Massacre has begun; people of Zilan Valley have been massacred completely" and wrote, "The villages that supported the enemy were completely burned down, some of the villagers were massacred, and some were transferred to Erdish."

After the defeat of the Agri uprising by the Kemalists, the commanders and fighters of Agri were able to open a way and go to the other side, the East part of Kurdistan, with a great battle. At that time, Ehsan Nuri Pasha surrendered to the Iranian regime and was transferred to Tehran.


To be continued...

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