Jajo Khan, a Hero Leader of the Kurdish Freedom Movement in Khorasan

Jajo Khan was a hero Kurdish leader in Khorasan who fought against the Russians and Qajars for several years and his rule covered the whole of Khorasan.

Jajo Khan was a hero Kurdish leader in Khorasan who fought against the Russians and Qajars for several years and his rule covered the whole of Khorasan.

He was a Kurdish leader who fought for the Kurds of Khorasan and an independent Kurdistan in the region.

Before we know who, the Kurdish leader was, how he fought, and how extensive his power was, we must know how and when the Kurds of Khorasan were expelled to Khorasan, how they settled there, and in which part of Kurdistan they were previously.

The Battle of Chalderan, also known as the Battle of the Ottoman Empire and the Safavids, took place in 1514 between the two states. After the war, Kurdistan was divided between two countries, the Ottoman and Safavid.

Another change occurred at that time: the expulsion of the Kurds from the East part of  Kurdistan. Between 1598 and 1602, Shah Abbas ordered the Kurds of the region to be deported to Khorasan.

After the Safavid Empire and the coming to power of several other rulers in Iran, the Qajars came to power again and began to suppress the Kurds, especially the Kurds of Khorasan.

There was one family in Khorasan that opposed the repression, that of Allawerdi Bag, father of Jajo Khan. This family was one of the largest and bravest Kurdish families in Khorasan. From that family was born a man who created a legend in the name of his family and nation. He was a man called Jajo Khan and was born in the village of Hasar in the city of Daragaz, Khorasan. When Jajo Khan's father, Allawerdi Bag, was appointed governor of Miankoh, Jajo Khan went there with his father and stayed in the village of Kabkan in Miankoh. Jajo Khan was a politician, intellectual, and scholar, so his father considered him his supporter, and they were always together, supporting his power next to his father.

When his father died, Jajo Khan became his deputy and administered the area. After his father's death, he was a good manager and was accepted by the people of the area.

He wanted to bring all the Kurdish areas of Khorasan under his control and liberate the Kurds from the slavery of the invaders. Therefore, the Qajar authorities were against this decision and put pressure on the authorities of the region and the people of Khorasan.

That is where the hero Jajo Khan's story began; one day the screams of children and women are heard in Khorasan, and the cries of children and women echo several times in the mountains. That sound is a cry for help and they call out to Jajo. He, hearing the screams, became angry and mounted his horse, taking some armed men with him. As he looked at the villages in the distance, the smoke had risen and the barn and food that people had stored for their animals were all burning.

When he reaches the area, he sees only the burning village. These villages were massacred and burned by the Qajar army. He could not accept the massacre. On the other hand, the Russians were also attacking and repressing these areas, which caused a lot of reactions. Jajo Khan's opposition to the Qajars and Russians grew day by day and he prepared himself to stand up against these oppressions and liberate his people from oppression.

He prepared his force in a short time. He started his uprising with his brothers (Isu Khan, Alu Khan, and Mamo Khan) and a number of brave fighters. They attacked the enemy in the area and were able to heroically liberate the area as far as the city of Daragaz and killed hundreds of enemy soldiers. Thus, Jajo Khan became famous among the people of the surrounding villages and many people joined his forces.

Mansur-ul-Mulk, one of the Qajar commanders, who had been defeated by Jajo Khan's forces, attacked his power again with a force of several thousand men, but his forces were again defeated by Jajo Khan. He expanded his power and conquered the city of Quchan in Khorasan.

This was unacceptable to the central government and they sought help from the Russians against this Kurdish rule. The Russians sent several soldiers and cavalry to help the Qajar forces and this time Jajo had to fight alongside the Russian and Qajar forces.

His goal was to liberate the Kurdish areas of Khorasan from the occupying power and wanted to establish an independent Kurdish state and prevent the Kurds of Khorasan from being oppressed anymore.

The Qajar and Russian forces attacked his power several times, but they were defeated every time. He had become a moth to the enemy. The Russians had offered a reward for his arrest.

Jajo Khan's forces were growing stronger every day and his forces and fighters were spread in the mountains, plains, cities, villages, and regions of Khorasan. The people of these areas were happy and satisfied with the presence of the forces and every day patriotic sons joined the forces so that they could defend their land and nation. The Russians and the Qajars strengthened themselves and attacked Jajo Khan's power once again.

This time there was a big battle in the Daragaza area. Some sources say the fighting lasted three months. Jajo Khan did what was necessary to ensure that the people of the area had a free and happy life and stood up against the invaders. In this protracted battle, a large number of his forces were killed by the Russians and Qajars. They were surrounded by enemy forces and there was no way for them and their people to escape. Finally, while fighting in a village, Jajo Khan's horse fell into a mud and he was martyred by the enemy's bullets.

Jajo Khan was martyred in 1911 by Russian and Qajar forces. Some sources say that the Russians filled Jajo Khan's body with snow and ice in the city of Quchan and took it to Moscow to see the Kurdish leader. Some sources say that the Russian Tsar beheaded Jajo Khan while dead and drank wine in his skull.

Jajo Khan and his family and Kurdish people stood and fought against the invaders for years in the rain and snow, plains, and mountains of Khorasan by the blood of thousands of Kurdish fighters. Today, this fighter is famous in Khorasan, especially in Kurdistan. Many songs and poems have been composed about Jajo Khan's heroism in Khorasan.

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