Establishing the National Welfare Party of Iran in Sna (Sanandaj) in the East part of Kurdistan

The National Welfare Party of Iran was running in Sna (Sanandaj), Kameran (Kamyaran), Qorwa (Qorweh), Dewulan (Dehgolan), Kermashan (Kermanshah), Rwansar (Rawansar), Jwanro (Javanroud), Pawa, and Nawsud (Nowsoud) and its central office was in Sna. According to the last Head of this Party, “Gholam Ali Maleki”, this Party had 36000 members.

Dr. Mohammad Mosadeq’s name and his time as the Prime Minister of Iran has stayed in Iranians’ minds as a time of “Nationalization of the oil industry” but in Kurdistan people remember him for his efforts on paving the way for giving political freedom to people and the Farmers’ Revolution against Feudalism of that time.

“The National Welfare Party of Iran” (in Persian: Saadat Meli of Iran) was established in Sna on December 2651 Kurdish year, 1330 Hijri, 1951 A.D and carried on their activities until August (2653) 1332 Hijri.

Rostam Alikhani quoted Iraj Mashoufi: This party was established on December 5th, 1330 Hijri. It had a strong relationship with the Jebhe Melli of Iran (the National Front of Iran) and was one of the most popular parties in Kurdistan (Sna Province), and it was the only party that had members from the working class of the society.

The founders and most popular figures of this party included: Habib Allah Mohit (prosecutor), Seyed Abdul Majid Sajjadi (judge), Sheikh Mo’tasam Hesami (religious Imam), Habib Allah Diyanat (State employee) and also Abdul Majid Fereydouni, Abbas Eskandari, and Gholam Ali Maleki. Habib Allah Mohit Yazdi was elected as the first Head of this party.

Rouhollah Bahrami talked about this party’s ideology as follows: This party has nationalism ideologies (Iranian nationalism) and insists on Constitutional Monarchy. We act under the slogan of “God, King, Land” and …

The National Welfare Party of Iran was running in Sna (Sanandaj), Kameran (Kamyaran), Qorwa (Qorweh), Dewulan (Dehgolan), Kermashan (Kermanshah), Rwansar (Rawansar), Jwanro (Javanroud), Pawa, and Nawsud (Nowsoud) and its central office was in Sna. According to the last Head of this Party, “Gholam Ali Maleki”, this Party had 36000 members.

The goal of this party was to put an end on feudalism and diminish the Lords’ ownership of farmers’ products. They began to run active organizations in the villages and this made the Lords scared of the outcome. The Lords established the “Iran Unity Party” in Sna in order to stop National Welfare Party’s activities. Some of the founders of this party were: Reza Khan Asef, Ayatollah Mardokh, and Sadr al Islam Sediqi Mojtahedi.

Rostam Alikhani also quoted Ayatollah Mardokh: Recently Habib Mohit, the court Judge, has founded a party named The National Welfare Party by Prime Minister Dr. Mosaddeq’s orders. They have told the farmers that the tyrant Lords’ ownerships have been canceled and that they can go to the city to receive their own cards.

Taifour Bathayi also talks about this party in his memoir: In (2649) 1328 to (2653) 1332 Hijri at the beginning of Dr. Mosaddeq being the prime minister, Sna like other cities in Iran but subtler than them established the foundation of political revolution resulting in “National Welfare Party in Kurdistan”. This party invited people to stop feudalism in the villages and they had some protest marches in Sna. They made speeches about supporting the poor and nationalizing Oil Industry.

Finally, after the coup on August 18th and demolishing Mosaddeq’s Cabin as the Prime Minister, the National Welfare Party was defeated and the members living in villages faced the Lords’ revenge. In Sna, Habib Allah Mohit was avenged and beaten by the Lord and the city’s officials. He was exiled to Tehran due to Ayatollah Mardokh and Asef family and Reza Ali Divan Beigi’s witnessing against him and condemning him to be a member of the Communist party. 

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