An Urartu Tomb Has Been Discovered in North Kurdistan

A grave with three rooms has been found in Erdish in North Kurdistan, Van province. It is carved into a rock and a place for the victims' blood is made.

Fatih Arap, Head of Van Museum and Dr. Ra’fat Chavusoglu, Head of the Archeology Department of "Yuzunci Yil" University Faculty of Literature, inspected the Chelebibag neighborhood.

During their investigation, after the descent of Lake Van level, some temples and historical sites of the Urartu period were discovered and nearby, a three-room Urartu tomb and bones and ceramic fragments were found around it and the essential measuring have been conducted.

 Professor Dr. Chavusoglu told reporters that several Urartu buildings have been identified in the area. "An important Urartu tomb has been found with a main chamber on the right and gifts for the dead on the left and three other places going down. The tombs and chambers are carved in a rock and this shows the classic characteristics of the Urartu. We can say It has been used for a long time. One side has been damaged by treasure hunters, and it is obvious that it was opened a long time ago."

 "One can say that the shrine and tomb are very important remains of Urartu architecture," Chavusoglu clarified. The tomb has 3 chambers with an arch at the entrance. Then there are two small rooms on the right and left. Above the entrance is a place for blood to drain. That is, the place was dedicated to sacrifice, and for that, they made a channel in the rock to let the blood flow. This is the first time we have seen a shrine and grave in the shape of a hood.

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