The Infrastructure Industries in the Kurdistan Region - Part 2



Constructing Materials Industry

The construction industry has existed and developed in the region since ancient times and history proves the intelligence of the Kurdish nation on the art of building, construction, and raw materials of the region. This type of industry generates high and fast income. The increasing population in the Kurdistan Region and the increased need for construction materials, especially cement, blocks, and other items, has made a lot of demand and this type of industry is constantly expanding.

Several types of industries have been established in the Kurdistan Region in this field; The most important of them:

1. Sarchnar Cement Industry: This factory was designed in 1945 by a French company and opened in March 1957 and began to work with only one kiln. The purpose of establishing this factory was to supply cement for the Dukan and Darbandikhan dams and the large government buildings that were being built at that time. The factory's production capacity was about 300-350 tons per day. Due to the high demand for cement, the production capacity doubled, but this factory in order to move away from the city and expand this industry in a larger area, now closed, and the parts were transferred to the Tasluja cement factory.

2. Tasluja Cement Factory: This factory is considered to be the largest and most important factory in the Kurdistan Region. Established in 1980, the factory went into experimental operation in 1984 and became fully operational in 1986 with a production capacity of 2 million tons per year. The factory has been damaged several times due to the Iran-Iraq wars and has been repaired and is now in production.

3. Ranya Block Factories: The geographical location of the Raparin region is very suitable for the construction of block factories due to the presence of many rivers and streams. Because they had easy access to block production equipment, most of the block factories were built in this region, most of which are located in the towns of Chwarqurna and Hajiawa.

The block is not the only thing made in the region, but like block factories, sand and gravel factories have their own demand too.

4. Erbil Marble Factory: This factory was established in the northern industrial zone of Erbil. It started production in 1976 and can produce 100000 square meters per year, but all this capacity has not been put into operation. In 1989, it reached 60888 square meters.

In addition to these factories, there are several small and medium-sized factories in the field of construction in Kurdistan, the most important of which are the Bazian gypsum factory, red brick factory, block factory, concrete water pipes, tiles, etc. There are also several small and medium factories for making doors and windows of iron, teak, and aluminum PVC.

The establishment of a construction rebar factory in Erbil, which produces rebar by melting old iron and recycling it, has been operational since 2005.

Of course, several other small industrial factories have now been established in Kurdistan, and due to the increased demand and improved production of these construction materials in the industries of the Kurdistan Region, their number has increased.

Some of the largest factories in the region not only supply internal needs for construction materials but also export their products to other parts of Iraq.

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