Exporting Kurdistan Region's Tiri Bread to the Foreign Countries

Tiri Bread is one of the various kinds of traditional breads made and consumed in Kurdistan. This kind of bread is originally made in the villages of Kurdistan. Due to its long-preserving quality and the special way of baking this kind of bread, it is being exported to the neighboring and European countries. Mostly this kind of bread is made by women and not only it is delicate and soft, but it also is healthy. Since they do not add baking soda to it, this bread is a healthy snack for the intestine and it is beneficial for reducing colon diseases. Those who suffer from diabetes or heart disease can easily consume it since there is no amount of sugar or fat in it. The food experts say those who suffer from liver disorders can choose Tiri and Hawrami breads as the best options for their diet.

Since there is no harmful substance used in this kind of bread, it is exported to other countries. In 2022, a large amount of Tiri bread that was baked by women and their assistances was exported to European countries, particularly England and other countries such as Italy, Germany, Sweden, and Norway and some other countries are among those that consume the Tiri bread from Kurdistan. The amount of bread exported to the European countries last year was worth 90 thousand dollars. It is planned to export Tiri and Hawrami breads to foreign countries next year; because people are consuming these kinds of breads more and more.

Based on the information received from the bakeries of Tiri bread, every 8 pieces of Tiri bread is sold for 2 to 3 dollars. The bakers can make 10 to 13 pieces of Tiri bread using one kilogram of flour. Tiri, Hawrami, and Jo (barley) breads are three different kinds of Tiri bread. Those countries that import Tiri bread have tested the quality of them and according to their tests, these kinds of bread are among the healthiest ones. Not only the Kurdish citizens of the European countries but also their native citizens are among the consumers of Tiri bread.

Furthermore, the export of Tiri bread has encouraged a lot of women to participate in this field i.e., a large number of women are occupied in this field which has led to an increase in their financial income and Kurdistan Regions economic development.

Some of the bakeries in Kurdistan cooperate with the Tiri bread bakeries working in European countries. Several Kurdish tradesmen have helped this connection grow in order to help the economic relationship between European countries and Kurdistan.

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