Takht-e Suleiman, the Most Sacred Zoroastrian Place in Kurdistan

Shno Rasouli

Takht-e Suleiman (Suleiman's throne) or Azer Goshasb's temple is a historical monument in Urmia Province located in Tekab city. It is said that this place was the Parthian King's capital city. This historical place was an educational, religious, and social center and a temple for the people living in the geography of Iran and Kurdistan before Islam which is located in Kurdistan.

In 624 AD, after the Roman Empire, Heraclitus, attack it was destroyed. This city was called "Ganjak" at that time. The historians say that this city's name used to be "Ganza" or "Ganja". In Armenian, it was called "Ganzka" or "Kadza". The Mongolians called this place "Storiq". The Syrians called it "Ganzhak" and in Greek, it was called "Gadza". Arab historians called it various names such as "Jazan", "Jaznaq", or "Janzaqa".

Plutarch, the Greek historian, named this city "Ferda". Now, all these names have been forgotten and it is known as Takht-e Suleiman.

Throughout history, this historical city has been home to the Medes, Achaemenids, Parthians, Sassanids, and Mongolians. The important point is that during each one of these empires, this city was the most powerful and civilized place.

Researchers claim that this city was where Zarathustra was born, however, some of them do not accept it. History also says that Zarathustra was known and appeared around the Urmia Lake region for the first time and he was born in that area.

Historians say that Atropates was the commander or Satrap of the northern Medes during the time of Alexander of Macedonia. After Alexander's empire was destroyed in 328 BC, Atropates declared his independence and made this city his capital.

In 36 BC, Marc Antony, the famous Roman leader attacked this area. Farhad IV was the Parthian's king at that time. Plutarchy, a historian, said: "Antony decided to attack the Medes state and take control of this land with 113 thousand soldiers after he separated his lover, Cleopatra. He was very hasty to get to Takht-e Suleiman and take control of the city. Thus, he threw most of their weaponry on their way. When he reached Takht-e Suleiman, the Medes were in power. Antony realized he did not have enough weapons for this battle. At that time Farhad IV, the Parthian king, asked for the Medes' help and they agreed to attack the Romans and defeat them."

After establishing the Sassanid empire, Mazdayasna was the most popular. The fire temple of Azer Goshasb was a symbol of the power and authority of the Zoroastrians. This temple was particularly visited by the kings and their high ranked military commanders. It protected the soldiers' position. It was also regarded as the symbol of the state's unity.

After the kings' deaths, their successors from the Sassanid dynasty came to this place and paid their respects to the holy temple, and were coronated here. Azer Goshasb was the most important temple of the Zoroastrians and it was considered to be very sacred by people and the government. The fire of this temple was the symbol of Zarathustra's religion for seven centuries.

During the Samanid era, this city had three parts, the palaces and the halls, temples, and houses. Even at that time, this city was very sacred due to this temple.

It is reported that in 624 AD, Heraclitus attacked the Caucasus to prevent the Sassanid's army advances and repel the attacks through Anatolia. First, he put Armenia under his control and then he dominated Takht-e Sulieman. Heraclitus destroyed Azer Goshasb temple, the most sacred religious place for the Sassanids to revenge the destruction of Jesus Christ's tomb in Jerusalem by the Jews who were supported by Khosrow Parviz in 614 AD.

What is left of Takht-e Suleiman and what is written about it is only a drop compared to an ocean of history behind it. The location of this historical monument in Kurdistan is the most important characteristic of it. However, like other historical places in Kurdistan, this place also keeps a hidden history in its heart because it has not been allowed to study this location scientifically.

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