Fishing Season Has Begun in Van

Kurdshop - Every year from April 15th to July 15th, fishing is banned because during this time the fish flow into the sweet waters and it is the reproduction season for the fish. This year as in the previous years, the fishing season began after the prohibition period ended.

After the fishing prohibition period ended, the fishermen went back to Van Lake and after preparing their equipment, they sailed to the middle of Van Lake and began fishing mullet fish.

In the Ipakelou, Adramit, Toushba, Gavash, Muradiyeh, and Ardishi regions near Van and in Xalat, Aljawaz, and Tatwan near Bitlis, the fishermen sailed their boats to the lake.

The fishermen can fish until April 15th and catch mullet fish in Van Lake. However, after this time, it is prohibited to fish.

Nadim Aslan who has been a fisherman for 30 years in the Ardish region said; that after the prohibition ended, they said "In the name of God" and threw their nets into the lake.

Aslan also mentioned that I wish all the fishermen a happy and blessed season and he added: "Preparation is finished, our boats are ready and in good conditions. As soon as the prohibition ended, we sailed our boats in the middle of the night. It was a good day. I hope the fishing season ends the same way as it began."

In Van City, the northern part of Kurdistan, fishing is regarded as a major income resource for the surrounding cities, and the fish that are caught daily are sent off to most of the Northern part of Kurdistan and Turkey's cities.

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