Sert Blackberries Are Exported to 34 Countries

Kurdshop_ In the Misraj region in Sert Province in the North part of Kurdistan, blackberries are produced in a 230 donum area. It is the time to harvest this product and generally, the blackberries are exported to 34 countries including the Arabic countries and the oriental countries.

In Yunsilar village near Misraj town in Sert Province, on a 230 donum (1 Donum=1000 m2) field, there is a blackberry garden that produces the most amount of blackberry in the North part of Kurdistan and Turkey.

On this matter, the Principle of Sert Agriculture and Gardening, Argon Demirhan said, last year 130 ton of blackberry was produced in this garden and we assume that this year 150 ton could be harvested here. This is an honor to our Province and our country that we have such fertile gardens. This is the largest blackberry garden in Turkey. It is an integrated garden with 230 donum that only produces blackberry.

He also pointed out that: In 2020 more than 80 ton and in 2022 almost 130 ton of blackberry was produced in this garden. This year it will produce about 150 tons. Most of the products that are harvested here are exported to the eastern countries of Asia thus, the profit is more which makes the blackberry a valuable product. We would like to increase this product's harvest in the province generally because this fruit makes a large amount of financial profit.

One of the gardeners named Mohammad Sabit Jaiylan who plants 14 kinds of blackberry in his garden says: "Due to this region's field properties, we are testing the products continually and now we have planted 14 kinds of blackberry." Now this fruit is being sent to the market in fresh or frozen form or in the form of syrup and juice.

He also claimed: We send fresh blackberries to all the markets within Turkey and even the foreign markets that is the eastern countries of Asia or the Arabic countries. We export this product by cargo aircrafts. We have the largest garden in Turkey which is 230 donum.

Mohammad Sabit Jaiylan also said: Now we export fresh blackberries to the Arabic peninsula that is Dubai, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Yemen. We also export this product to the eastern countries in Asia by cargo aircrafts such as Singapore, Malaysia, and Maldives. It is also exported to 34 countries in the form of blackberry juice.

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