Joulamerg Rugs Decorate American Houses

A group of 96 students and their professors in the General Education Organization in Joulamerg applied their knowledge of designing rugs and they were able to make a colorful and beautiful rug named Haraka as a cultural product.

Kurdshop_ The rugs made by the women in Joulamerg decorate the American houses. These well-designed rugs in the “Ishgem” workshop (which is built by the General Education professors in Joulamerg and the couches supervised by the Province officials) are made and exported to America.

A group of 96 students and their professor in the General Education Organization in Joulamerg applied their knowledge of designing rugs and they were able to make a colorful and beautiful rug named Haraka as a cultural product.

Joulamerg women’s rugs designed with ancient compositions are exported to various countries including the U.S. It takes a lot of time and effort to make these rugs.

Bilal Gurr, the head of Education in Joulamerg Province said: “These rugs are made by Joulamerg women. They apply the cultural and natural elements in their designs”. He also mentioned that “we pay our gratitude to the Joulamerg Province for their support of the professors and their students.”

Bilal Gurr clarified that “rugs which are an important part of our culture have a significant place to develop even more among the international countries, too. This is a hard work. In our rug-making workshops, women use natural silk threads to reproduce our nature in our rugs.”

He also said, “We export our rugs to every country and this would help our people to have jobs and our economy will grow.”

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